Page 44 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
P. 44

           15th/16th century
           The broad vessel rising to a slightly everted rim and supported on a
           splayed, flat stem foot, the upper register carved in relief with four
           phoenix amongst trailing leafy peony stems beneath a floral diaper-
           pattern border on the mouth rim, the stem with two sinuous chilong
           clambering amongst scrolling leafy lingzhi, all on a gilt ground, the
           interior and base lacquered brown.
           15.3cm (6in) diam.

           £30,000 - 50,000
           CNY270,000 - 450,000

           十五/十六世紀 剔黑金彩龍鳳呈祥高足盌

           Parry Collection, London, and thence by descent


           The remarkable style of carving on the present stem bowl is in   敞口撇足,鎏金為地,剔黑漆為飾,盌身雕有四鳳遊梭於纏枝牡丹之
           continuation of Northern Song dynasty lacquerware. Compare a   中,口沿治錦地紋。盌足兩條螭龍穿行於卷草靈芝間。所飾漆雕延
           carved black lacquer rectangular tray reserved on yellow ground,   續北宋時期風格,如一例黃地剔黑漆方盤,收錄於TaKagi KeitaKu
           illustrated by TaKagi KeitaKu, Chinese Lacquerware: An Odyssey of   著,《Chinese Lacquerware: An Odyssey of Connoisseurship》,
           Connoisseurship, Tokyo, 2015, pp.4-5.             東京,2015年,頁4-5。

           The workmanship on the stem bowl is exquisite in the refined design   本例設計精巧,雕工豐富細膩,花、葉、鳳羽以至螭龍的盤曲身軀,
           and detailing of the lappets on the peony blossoms, the leaves, and   處處均顯匠心細節。對盌內壁的處理同樣不俗,所髹棕漆與外壁富麗
           the feathers of the phoenix, to the sinuous design of the chilong. Also   的鎏金地形成了鮮明的對比,能與制在工藝與造型上相比之漆器相當
           exceptional is the clever use of the ‘negative’ space, contrasting the   罕見。參考一件十五世紀早期鳳穿牡丹紋帶蓋漆盌,同以剔黑金彩為
           brown lacquer design with the rich gilt ground. Such lacquerwares   飾,詳見Knapton Rasti Asian Art Ltd.,《Works of Art》,
           are exceedingly rare. See, however, a closely related black lacquer   倫敦,2006年11月,頁12,編號6。
           and gilt-ground bowl and cover, with similar design of phoenix and
           peony reserved against a gilt-ground, early 15th century, illustrated by   與該例紋樣相似之設計亦可見於《Carved Lacquer》,德川美術館,
           Knapton Rasti Asian Art Ltd., Works of Art, London, November 2006,   根津美術館,1984年,頁47,圖版56。另可參考德國斯圖加特林登
           p.12, no.6.                                       博物館館藏一例十六世紀初明代鎏金漆盤,其折沿之下飾有與本例
           For a similar design on a stem bowl, see Carved Lacquer, The   Zeichen des Drachen》, 慕尼黑,2006年,編號52。
           Tokugawa Art Museum, Nezu Institute of Fine Arts, 1984, p.47, pl.56;
           and see a related brown, red and gilt lacquer dish, Ming dynasty, early   作為傳統吉祥圖案的鳳凰牡丹紋樣結合了鳥中之王與花中之王,寓意
           16th century, with related chilong and lingzhi band around the cavetto   祥瑞富貴;螭龍與靈芝則象徵長治久安。
           and a gilt-ground central medallion, in the Linden-Museum, Stuttgart,
           illustrated in Im Zeichen des Drachen, Munich, 2006, no.52.

           Phoenix and peony, combining the ‘King of birds’ with the ‘King of
           flowers’ augur great blessings and prosperity and represent the saying of
           ‘May there be wealth, rank and good fortune’. The chi-dragon and lingzhi,
           symbolise the wish for peace and benevolence during a long reign.

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