Page 46 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
P. 46

           A PAIR OF CARVED TIXI LACQUER     來源:                              A similar carved brown tixi lacquer stem cup,
           STEM CUPS                         高林士(1865-1948)於1926年10月1日由北      16th/17th century, was sold at Sotheby’s
           16th century                      京送至倫敦古董商Bluett’s                 London, 18 May 2018, lot 318.
           Each deeply carved around the exterior   倫敦古董商Bluett & Sons Ltd.
           through layers of brown and red lacquer with   倫敦E. A. Parry(1879-1946)舊藏,於1927  內壁包銀,高足外撇,外壁棕紅二色漆層厚
           guri scrolls, all supported on a high spreading   年6月7日購自上者,並由後人保存迄今   重,以流暢而婉轉之刀法深刻如意雲紋。剔
           foot, the interior of the bowls with silver lining.                犀一法源自南宋,至明代依然流行。該法首
           8.5cm (3 3/8in) high. (2).        高林士(William F. Collins上尉),時任聯    先在器胎上逐層髹塗兩種或更多色漆,漆層
                                             華銀公司(Anglo-French China Corporation   可至數百道之多,後以斜鋒下刀,呈現流暢
           £4,000 - 6,000                    Ltd)及英國培生集團(S. Pearson & Son)    婉轉之紋路。與剔紅不同,剔犀一法需等漆
           CNY36,000 - 54,000                駐北京代理,並為英國Bluett’s、John          層變硬後才下刀,因此製作十分費時,但效
                                             Sparks、Franck & Co 等古董商由北京提供中    果即如犀角般流光溢彩,因有其名。倫敦大
                                             國古董及藝術品。其後擢升至上校,並被授              英博物館藏一對十六世紀剔犀高足盃,藏品
           十六世紀 剔犀高足盃一對                      予傑出服務勳章。有關高林士的具體信息,              編號1974,0226.7,可資比對。亦可參看牛津
                                             參見R.Davids與D.Jellinek著,《Provenance》,  阿什莫林博物館所藏一件剔犀高足盃,藏品
           Provenance:                       牛津,2011年,頁124。                   編號EA1965.4。倫敦蘇富比亦曾於2018年5
           Captain W.F. Collins (1865-1948), Beijing, who                     月18日售出一件與本品相類之十六/十七世紀
           sent the stem cups to Bluett’s on 1 October 1926   The tixi technique, which originated during   剔犀高足盃,拍品編號318。
           Bluett & Sons Ltd., London        the Southern Song dynasty and remained
           E. A. Parry (1879-1946), London, acquired   popular well into the Ming dynasty, refers to
           from the above on 7 June 1927, and thence   the application of multiple layers of two or
           by descent                        more contrasting colours of lacquer that are
                                             then carved at an angle. The time-consuming
           Captain William Fellows Collins, was agent in   process of waiting for each layer to dry before
           Peking of the Anglo-French China Corporation   carving resulted in a texture that resembled
           Ltd and of S. Pearson & Son, and supplied   rhinoceros horn, hence the name tixi, ti (to
           Bluett’s, John Sparks, Franck & Co and   carve) and xi (rhinoceros).
           other dealers with consignment of Chinese
           ceramics and works of art from Beijing. He   Compare with a similar pair of tixi lacquer
           later reached the rank of Colonel and was   stem cups, 16th century, in the British
           awarded the DSO. For more information   Museum (,0226.7). Another
           about Collins, see R.Davids and D.Jellinek,   similar lacquer stem cup is in the collection
           Provenance, Oxon, 2011, p.124.    of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford (acc.  Lot 11 (invoice)

                                                  For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
           44  |  BONHAMS                         please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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