Page 43 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
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           A RARE IVORY SEAL                                 An ivory seal carved with the inscription ‘Chong shan yi jiao’, ‘Revere
           Qing Dynasty or earlier                           virtue [and] respect teaching’ was bestowed in 1443 by the Zhengtong
           Crisply carved as a Buddhist wheel supported on a lotus-petal   Emperor on the Chong Fu temple in Dingcheng city, Gansu Province.
           pedestal, and square seal, the seal face carved in zhuanshu calligraphy  The present seal is likely a reference to the same Imperial saying.
           reading ‘chong shan yi jiao’, which may be translated as ‘Revere virtue
           [and] respect the teaching’.                      An ivory seal of similar form with a Buddhist Wheel of the Law, but
           6.6cm (2 5/8in) high.                             with a dedicatory inscription dated to 1427, from the Mr and Mrs
                                                             R.H.R. Palmer collection, was exhibited by the Arts Council of Great
           £4,000 - 6,000                                    Britain and the Oriental Ceramic Society, The Arts of the Ming Dynasty,
           CNY36,000 - 54,000                                London, 1957, no.371.

           清或更早 牙雕印章                                         據載,明英宗正統皇帝曾於1443年御賜甘肅崇福寺「崇善翊教」象牙

           Provenance:                                       參考R.H.R. Palmer伉儷收藏一例1427年制牙雕印章,同以法輪為鈕,
           Parry Collection, London, and thence by descent   曾借展於1957年英國藝術委員會與倫敦東方陶瓷學會於倫敦主辦之
                                                             「明朝藝術(The Arts of the Ming Dynasty)」大展,展品編號371。

           For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
           please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.  THE PARRY COLLECTION  |  41
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