Page 38 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
P. 38

5  Y
           A STRIATED JADE VESSEL, CONG      Provenance:                      The present lot is inspired by Neolithic period
           Ming/Qing Dynasty                 K.C. Wong                        cong which were characterised by a square
           The square-sectioned archaistic vessel with plain  Bluett & Sons Ltd., London   outer section (representing Earth) around a
           sides and indented corners, with a short circular   E. A. Parry (1879-1946), London, acquired   circular inner part (representing Heaven). The
           neck and foot, the stone of mottled cream, grey   from the above on 4 June 1930, and thence   scholarly tradition of archaism however, meant
           and brown hues, with hardwood stand.   by descent                  that this shape continued throughout Chinese
           11.5cm (4 1/2in) high. (2).                                        history, as later scholars placed them on their
                                             Published and Exhibited:         desks to bring them closer to the idealised
           £4,000 - 6,000                    Bluett & Sons Ltd., The Wong Collection   ancient past. See a related grey and black
           CNY36,000 - 54,000                of Ancient Chinese Jades, London, 1930,   jade cong, Ming dynasty, in the Victoria and
                                             no.402                           Albert Museum, London (

           明/清 灰玉琮                           來源:                              Compare also with a related mottled pale
                                             K.C. Wong舊藏                      green and russet jade cong, Ming dynasty or
                                             倫敦古董商Bluett & Sons Ltd.          later, which was sold at Christie’s New York,
                                             倫敦E. A. Parry(1879-1946)舊藏,於1930  9 December 2020, lot 28.
                                             展覽著錄:                            至商朝的典型式樣,與古代中國「天圓地
                                             Bluett & Sons Ltd.,《The Wong Collection of  方」的宇宙觀息息相關。雖然玉琮之具體用
                                             Ancient Chinese Jades》,倫敦,1930年,  途尚未有一致結論,但普遍認為其應有別於
                                             編號402                            一般的裝飾器物,或許具有某種宗教用途,


           Lot 5 (invoice)                        For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
                                                  please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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