Page 50 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
P. 50

14  Y
           16th/17th century
           The rounded sides rising from a short foot to a flared rim, deeply
           carved with a continuous scene of four Mongolian equestrian hunters
           armed with spears, one of which has successfully speared an animal,
           riding in a tree-strewn landscape including pine, willow, paulownia,
           with grass and lingzhi, reserved on a floral diaper ground, the interior
           lacquered black, with hongmu stand.
           10.8cm (4 1/4in) diam. (2).

           £7,000 - 10,000
           CNY63,000 - 89,000

           十六/十七世紀 剔紅狩獵圖盌

           Captain W.F. Collins (1865-1948), Beijing, who sent the bowl to
           Bluett’s on 27 February 1926                               Lot 14 (invoice)
           Bluett & Sons Ltd., London
           E. A. Parry (1879-1946), London, acquired from the above on
           26 May 1926, and thence by descent

           倫敦古董商Bluett & Sons Ltd.
           倫敦E. A. Parry(1879-1946)舊藏,於1928年5月26日購自上者,

           Captain William Fellows Collins, was agent in Peking of the Anglo-  高林士(William Fellows Collins上尉),時任聯華銀公司(Anglo-
           French China Corporation Ltd and of S. Pearson & Son, and   French China Corporation Ltd)及英國培生集團(S. Pearson & Son)
           supplied Bluett’s. John Sparks, Franck & Co and other dealers with   駐北京代理,並為英國Bluett’s、John Sparks、Franck & Co 等古董
           consignment of Chinese ceramics and works of art from Beijing. He   商由北京提供中國古董及藝術品。其後擢升至上校,並被授予傑出
           later reached the rank of Colonel and was awarded the DSO. For more   服務勳章。有關高林士的具體信息,參見R.Davids與D.Jellinek著,
           information about Collins, see R.Davids and D.Jellinek, Provenance,   《Provenance》,牛津,2011年,頁124。
           Oxon, 2011, p.124.
           Lacquer bowls depicting hunting are rare. Although hunting was   明中期,顯著尚武氣質的王朝已逐漸讓位給文人官僚集團;明武宗正
           extolled by early Ming Emperors - who had inherited the tradition from   德皇帝對田獵騎射的熱情則被文人集團視為荒唐;見D.M.Robinson
           the Mongol Yuan as a sign of military prowess and state authority, by   著,《Martial Spectacles of the Ming Court》,麻省,2013年,
           the mid and late Ming period it was seen by the literati as a distraction   頁214-220。北京故宮博物院藏兩例清早期紫檀百寶嵌狩獵圖盒,
           from grave matters of state. The role of hunting became a charged   收錄於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集:竹木牙角雕刻》,香港,2002
           area of contestation, where Ming Emperors and senior court ministers   年,編號230-231,騎手頭戴番帽,手執長矛的造型可與本例比對。
           staked claims about rulership, ruler-minister relations, and the role of
           the military in the polity. The heirless Zhengde Emperor (1505-1521)   參考一例十六/十七世紀剔紅狩獵圖紋蓋盒,售於香港蘇富比,2010
           was particularly passionate about hunting, much to the consternation   年10月7日,拍品編號2213。
           of his ministers; see D.M.Robinson, Martial Spectacles of the Ming
           Court, Cambridge MA, 2013, pp.214-220. See two related hardstone-
           inlaid zitan boxes and covers, early Qing dynasty, decorated with
           equestrian hunting figures, illustrated in The Complete Collection
           of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Bamboo, Wood, Ivory and
           Rhinoceros Horn, Hong Kong, 2002, nos.230-231.

           See a carved cinnabar lacquer rectangular box and cover, with
           a similar motif of hunting, attributed to Zhou Zhu, Ming dynasty,
           16th/17th century, which was sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 7 October
           2010, lot 2213.

                                                                   Image courtesy of the Palace Museum, Beijing

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