Page 52 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
P. 52

           The box and cover 17th century; the ink cake 18th century
           Carved to the domed cover with a leisurely gathering of gentlemen
           seated in a tree-strewn garden, playing a game of weiqi, a boy
           attendant holding a fan, and a further gentleman beside his horse
           bearing a musical instrument, the base carved with peonies, the
           interior containing an ink cake moulded with sinuous chilong and
           inscribed: zai xiang, ‘Containing incense’ and yi qing shi, ‘Mr Yi Qing’.
           The box 6.7cm (2 5/8in) diam. (3).

           £15,000 - 20,000
           CNY130,000 - 180,000

           十七世紀 剔紅「東山報捷」圖蓋盒 配十八世紀墨錠

           Parry Collection, London, and thence by descent


           The present lot depicts the famous story of ‘Reporting Victory to East   盒穹形蓋上雕有一幅庭院對弈圖,右側一人似乎剛翻身下馬,正向對
           Mountain’ (Dongshan bao jie). Xie An (AD 320–385) also known as   弈二人呈上一物。盒身外壁以纏枝牡丹紋為飾。盒內盛一螭龍紋墨
           ‘East Mountain’, was a statesman of the Eastern Jin dynasty who   錠,銘「載香」,款「一卿氏」。
           despite his lack of military ability and skill, led the Jin through a major
           crisis. The Former Qin dynasty was expanding in the north and in AD   盒蓋所雕紋飾典出東晉故事「東山報捷」。謝安(320-385),世稱
           383 they launched a major attack against the Jin dynasty culminating   東山,東晉政治家與軍事家。公元383年,東晉與前秦之間爆發淝水
           in the battle of the Fei River. During the battle, Xie An retreated and   之戰,謝安憑藉事先周全的籌劃及冷靜應戰,終令晉軍以少勝多。傳
           was playing weiqi with his brother when the surprising news came that   說謝安得知捷報時正與客人在家中對弈。他當下不露聲色,神色如
           they had won. When news of victory came, Xie An did not display any   常。但客人離去後,他終於難掩興奮之情,在走回內宅途中時不覺在
           particular emotion, but his excitement later became evident when, after   門檻上碰斷了木屐的齒。
           the game, he was going back to his bedroom, and he forgot about the
           threshold to his room and broke his wooden sandal without realising it.   丹麥國家博物館館藏一例十六/十七世紀剔紅漆盒,同樣以「東山報
                                                             捷」圖為飾,見J.Hornby著,《Chinese Lacquerware in the National
           A cinnabar lacquer box, 16th/17th century, with the same motif of   Museum of Denmark》,哥本哈根,2012年,頁100,編號13。倫
           Xie An receiving news of victory, is illustrated by J.Hornby, Chinese   敦維多利亞和阿爾伯特博物館亦藏有一件十六世紀剔紅帶蓋漆盒,以
           Lacquerware in the National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, 2012,   仙人圖為飾,可為比對,見H.Garner著,《Chinese Lacquer》,倫
           p.100, no.13. A related small carved cinnabar lacquer box and cover   敦,1979年,頁130,編號66。
           with figures of sages, 16th century, in the Victoria and Albert Museum,
           London, is illustrated by H.Garner, Chinese Lacquer, London, 1979,   形如本拍品的小型雕漆蓋盒,或為裝載印泥、香品或脂粉之用。但在
           p.130, no.66.                                     十八世紀的清廷中,該類器皿也常被用於盛放各種珍玩。此類情形可
           Small lacquer boxes and covers such as the present lot, although   《集瓊藻 : 院藏珍玩精華展》,台北,2014,頁170
           originally made to contain seal paste, incense or cosmetics, were
           often used in the Qing Court during the 18th century to contain various
           treasures for the delight of the Emperor. See for example, a small
           circular carved cinnabar lacquer box and cover containing a jade
           disc, as part of a treasure box, illustrated in A Garland of Treasures:
           Masterpieces of Precious Crafts in the Museum Collection, National
           Palace Museum, Taipei, 2014, p.170.

                                                  For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
           50  |  BONHAMS                         please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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