Page 56 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
P. 56

Image courtesy of Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris

           This rare screen was included in the International Exhibition of Chinese   本拍品曾借展1935至1936年於倫敦皇家藝術學院伯靈頓宮舉辦的中
           Art held at the Royal Academy of Arts, Burlington House, London,   國藝術國際展覽會。這一史無前例的展覽得到了中英政府及雙方人
           in 1935-1936. This seminal exhibition had the patronage of their   士的大力支持,由雙方元首擔任名譽主持人,英王喬治五世和瑪麗王
           Majesties King George V and Queen Mary, and the President of the   后為監理。展品共計三千餘件,中國政府應邀出借包括故宮文物在
           Chinese Republic. It included over 3,000 objects. These were loaned   內的近千件藏品,也是藏品首次在中國境外展出;展覽還包括了英國
           by the Chinese Government, including pieces shown for the first   皇室的中國文物收藏,以及來自世界各地重要博物館(如大英博物
           time outside China, objects from the collection of Sir Percival David,   館、維多利亞和阿爾伯特博物館、盧浮宮、吉美博物館、賽努奇博
           which were exhibited for the first time in public, pieces from the British   物館、託卡比皇宮博物館、大都會藝術博物館、克利夫蘭藝術博物
           Royal Collection, and from many important museums including the   館、堪薩斯城納爾遜-阿特金斯藝術博物館、科隆博物館、德累斯頓
           British Museum, V&A, the Louvre, Guimet, Cernuschi, Topkapi Saray,   博物館等)與著名私人藏家(如瑞典王儲、Alan Barlow爵士、R.C.
           the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Cleveland, Kansas City, Cologne,   Bruce、Buchanan-Jardine男爵、克拉克伉儷(Mr & Mrs Alfred
           Dresden, and from notable private collectors including HRH Crown   Clark)、Leonard Gow博士、盧芹齋、卡爾·坎普(Carl Kempe)、
           Prince of Sweden, Alan Barlow, R.C. Bruce, Buchanan-Jardine, Mr   H.J. Oppenheim、Oscar Raphael, F. Schiller、Walter Sedgwick伉
           & Mrs Alfred Clark, Dr Leonard Gow, C.T. Loo, Carl Kempe, H.J.   儷、A. Stoclet、S.D. Winkworth、W. Perceval Yetts教授等)的公私收
           Oppenheim, Oscar Raphael, F. Schiller, Mr & Mrs Walter Sedgwick, A.   藏精品,名單幾乎囊括了二十世紀西方世界最為重要的中國藝術收藏
           Stoclet , S.D. Winkworth and Prof. W. Perceval Yetts - the roll call of   家。 E.A. Parry向本次展覽出借了六件藏品,這也顯示了其收藏品味
           the greatest collectors of Chinese art in the west in the 20th century.   之卓越及展覽籌備委員會對其之激賞。展覽結束後,Parry氏藏品淡出
           E.A. Parry loaned 6 pieces to the Exhibition, demonstrating the superb   公眾視野,僅供家族成員賞玩;本次拍賣是1936年以來本品首次出現
           quality of the Collection and the high esteem in which it was held by   在公眾面前。
           the exhibition committee, which was directed by Sir Percival David.
           These pieces were admired to this date in the Parry family homes and   插屏內嵌銅胎掐絲琺瑯,掐絲作筆,填料成墨,畫面右下三位高士立
           this is the first time since the 1935-1936 Exhibition that they are seen   於波委雲集的水岸邊,遠處高峰突起,雲霧繚繞,人物之外的碧波綠
           in public once again.                             地、山石雜樹填以深濃淺淡之色,層次分明。

           The enamel decoration on the present lot is exceptional for the high   本例人物及天色之作法,可對比一例明十七世紀銅胎掐絲琺瑯香爐,
           quality of its execution with subtle application of mixed tones of   收錄於B.Quette編,《Cloisonné: Chinese Enamels from the Yuan,
           translucent enamels over opaque ones, notably in the depiction of   Ming and Qing Dynasties》,紐約,2011年,頁308,編號160,且與
           water and rocks, simulating painting.             本例同為1935至1936年中國藝術國際展覽會展品。另見一例十七世紀
           Compare the treatment of the sky and figures with that on a cloisonné   著,《Chinese Cloisonné: The Pierre Uldry Collection》,倫敦,1989
           enamel incense burner, Ming dynasty, 17th century, in the Musée   年,編號150。
           des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, illustrated by B.Quette, ed., Cloisonné:
           Chinese Enamels from the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties,New York,
           2011, p.308, no.160, which was exhibited in 1935-1936 in the Royal
           Academy Exhibition alongside the present lot. See also a related
           cloisonné enamel panel with a scene of the lonely angler Jiang Ziya in
           a rugged mountainscape by water, first half 17th century, illustrated by
           A.Lutz, and H.Brinker, Chinese Cloisonné: The Pierre Uldry Collection,
           London, 1989, no.150.

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