Page 61 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
P. 61

           TWO EXCEPTIONALLY RARE            Objects made of realgar, which is a sulphide   雄黃,《本草綱目》稱其又名石黃,化學成
           REALGAR CUPS                      of arsenic found in Yunnan, Guizhou and   分為三硫化砷,中國雲南、貴族和甘肅等省
           18th century                      Gansu Provinces, are exceptionally rare and   都有出產。雄黃製品於博物館或私人收藏
           One of rounded square form, the other of   very few can be found in museum or private   中存世極少,已知者包括蘇格蘭國立博物
           stylised peach form, set on raised feet, the   collections. See in the National Museum   館館藏一例十八/十九世紀雄黃盃,藏品編
           vessels displaying the natural properties of   of Scotland, Edinburgh, a realgar cup,   號A.1924.478,及十九世紀雄黃布袋和尚
           the orange-red sulphide mineral, each with   18th/19th century,, and   像,藏品編號A.1925.414。倫敦大英博物館
           pewter lining.                    a realgar figure of Budai, 19th century, acc.  藏亦藏有兩例雄黃製品,包括一例清雄黃壽
           The larger 7.2cm (2 7/8in) wide. (2).  no.A.1925.414. See also a relagar figure of   老,藏品編號1913,0408.1;及一例十八世
                                             Shoulao, Qing dynasty, in the British Museum,   紀何仙姑像,收錄於詹寧斯著,《中國藝術
           £8,000 - 12,000                   London,,0408.1; and a figure of   (Chinese Art)》,卷三,弗里堡,1981
           CNY72,000 - 110,000               the Daoist Immortal He Xiangu, 18th century,   年,頁220,編號200。北京故宮博物院館藏
                                             in the British Museum, London, illustrated   一件清宮舊藏清乾隆蘭亭修褉黃御墨,以包
                                             by R.S.Jenyns, Chinese Art, vol.3, Fribourg,   括雄黃在內的天然黃色材料製成,藏品編號
           十八世紀 雄黄小盃一組兩件                     1981, p.220, no.200; and see a partially   Gu00129724-7/26。
                                             realgar inkcake, Qianlong mark dated to
           Provenance:                       1737 and of the period, in the Qing Court   詹寧斯在其《中國藝術》一書第220頁中稱,
           Spink & Son Ltd., London          Collection, in the Palace Museum, Beijing, coll.  雄黃或許是道家煉製丹藥時所用成分之一,
           Mrs E. A. Parry (1879-1977), London,   no.Gu00129724-7/26. R.Soame Jenyns notes  雖然效果常常適得其反。上述幾例道教人物
           acquired from the above on        in ibid., p.220 that realgar may have been   像,以及本例其一盃呈桃形,這一道教語義
           30 September 1925, and thence by descent   one of the constituents used by Daoists in   下象徵長壽的水果,均可視為雄黃與道教的
                                             their search for the Elixir of Immortality (which   緊密聯繫在藝術上的體現。
           來源:                               often had the opposite result). The strong
           倫敦古董商Spink & Son Ltd.             connection of realgar in Chinese art to Daoism  雄黃材料色澤悅目但難以保存,因此益發珍
           倫敦E. A. Parry夫人(1879-1977)舊藏,於    is supported by the examples above which   貴。清中期後,以玻璃仿製寶石之風日盛,
           1925年9月30日購自上者,並由後人保存迄今           include figures of Daoist Immortals, and the   民間乃至清廷造辦處皆可見仿雄黃料製品,
                                             present lot which includes a peach-shaped   如清乾隆御製仿雄黃料六棱瓶一對,收錄於
                                             cup, a fruit which symbolises in Daoist lore the  E.S.Rawski與J.Rawson合著,《China: The
                                             wish for longevity. The realgar material was so   Three Emperors 1662-1795》,倫敦,2005
                                             prized that the yellow-orange arsenic sulfide   年,頁304,編號234;以及一例清乾隆仿雄
                                             mineral was often imitated in glass, including   黃料酒盃,售於香港佳士得,2013年5月29
                                             vessels made for the Imperial Court during   日,拍品編號2312。
                                             the celebrated Qianlong reign. See a pair of
                                             imitation realgar glass vases, Qianlong four-
                                             character seal marks and period, illustrated
                                             by E.S.Rawski and J.Rawson, ed., China: The
                                             Three Emperors 1662-1795, London, 2005,
                                             p.304, no.234; and see an imitation realgar
                                             glass wine cup, Qianlong four-character mark
                                             and of the period, which was sold at Christie’s
                                             Hong Kong, 29 May 2013, lot 2312.

           Lot 20 (invoice)

           For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
           please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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