Page 66 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
P. 66
22 Y
Kangxi/early Yongzheng
Each of conical form rising from a short foot to the flared sides,
delicately enamelled around the exteriors with the famous Tang
dynasty poet, variously in a semi-reclining pose holding a wine cup
and seated leaning against a qin, amongst wine jars and vessels,
with boys in attendance, two wood stands, possibly zitan.
Each 6.7cm (2 5/8) diam. (4).
£20,000 - 30,000
CNY180,000 - 270,000
清康熙/雍正早期 五彩太白醉飲圖笠式盃一對
Provenance: Image courtesy of the Palace Museum, Beijing
Parry Collection, London, and thence by descent
The present pair of cups is rare and part of a small group of exquisitely 盃敞口,直壁,呈斗笠式,外壁以五彩繪通景人物圖。對盃小巧玲
enamelled polychrome wares, including cups, small bowls and saucer- 瓏,輕盈適手,筆法瀟灑,素雅清新,繪工細膩,極富文人氣息,
dishes, finely decorated with scholars in idealised natural retreats, 應屬於康熙晚期至雍正早期,即約1720至1725年間製作之精品。
dating to the late Kangxi and early part of the Yongzheng reigns, circa
1720-1725. 北京故宮博物院藏兩件清雍正五彩人物圖小盃,其釉彩施用及繪畫
Compare with two closely-related bowls, Yongzheng marks and 港,2007年,編號155及156;另對比英國維多利亞及阿爾伯特博物
period, the first decorated with a scholar and attendant by a riverbank 館藏一件清雍正五彩繪八仙人物蓋盌,其用彩及繪畫風格相類,館藏
gazing at geese, and the second with a scholar leaning on a pine 編號597&A-1907。
tree, illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace
Museum: Porcelains in Polychrome and Contrasting Colours, Hong 器身所繪人物或為「飲中八仙」主題,其一手持酒盃、袒胸露腹者應
Kong, 1999, nos.155-156. See also a related polychrome enamelled 為詩仙李白。李白字太白,號青蓮居士,是中國歷史上最偉大的浪漫
bowl and cover, Yongzheng mark and period, enamelled with the 主義詩人,以豪飲聞名,且文思敏捷,常以酒助詩興。據載,賀知
Daoist Immortals Zhongli Quan seated near a pine tree and Zhang 章、李適之、李璡、崔宗之、蘇晉、李白、張旭、焦遂八人俱善飲,
Guolao with his mule, in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, acc. 性情豪放曠達,被稱為「酒中八仙人」;杜甫曾作《飲中八仙歌》一
no.597&A-1907. 詩,描寫他們無拘無束的灑脫性格。
The Tang poet Li Bai (701-762), or Li Taibai, has an almost divine 參考一例康熙晚期/雍正早期五彩人物圖笠式盃,外壁通景繪一高士
status in Chinese culture, being considered one of the greatest poets 倚坐岸邊,售於紐約佳士得,2011年3月24日,拍品編號1723。另見
in a five-thousand year classical tradition. In one hagiographic account, 清雍正五彩「蒼松高仕」及「鷸蚌相爭」圖小盃兩件,售於倫敦邦瀚
while Li Bai’s mother was pregnant with him, she had a dream of a 斯,2010年5月13日,拍品編號340,可資比對。
great white star falling from heaven. Indeed, he was within his own
lifetime considered to be a banished Immortal, a myth he no doubt
encouraged, explaining his courtesy name of ‘Taibai’ or ‘Venus’. Apart
from his literary brilliance, he was known as a tippler who eventually
drowned after falling from his boat one night having become very
drunk before trying to embrace the reflection of the moon in the Yangzi
river. He is thus often depicted dozing beside a large vat of wine.
Compare with a very similar famille verte cup, Kangxi/early Yongzheng,
decorated with a continuous scene of a scholar seated on the bank
of a river, which was sold at Christie’s New York, 24 March 2011,
lot 1723. See also a pair of related polychrome cups decorated with
scholars, Yongzheng marks and period, which was sold at Bonhams
London, 13 May 2010, lot 340.
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