Page 68 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
P. 68

Lot 23 (invoice)

           A RARE FAMILLE VERTE ‘PEONY BLOSSOM’ MONTH CUP    descriptions for it which were printed by A.W.Bahr, Old Chinese
           Kangxi six-character mark and of the period       Porcelain and Works of Art in China, 1911. Charles Liddell had formed
           The delicately-potted vessel rising to a gently flaring rim, painted to   his collection, except for three pieces, while trading in China for nearly
           represent the fourth month with variously coloured flowering tree peony  forty years. He purchased a number of them from two significant
           amongst blue pierced rockwork, the reverse with a poetic inscription:   sources: the collection of Prince Chun, the last Regent of the Qing
           Xiao yan yuan fen jin zhang lu. Mu xiang shen re yu tang feng, ‘At   dynasty; and from the collection of the private secretary and adviser to
           dawn its beauty receives dew from a golden palm. In the evening the   Li Hongzhang. In May-June 1929 Bluett’s offered part of the collection
           fragrance penetrates deep into the Jade Hall’.    for sale, publishing a catalogue of The Liddell Collection of Old Chinese
           4.9cm (1 7/8in) high.                             Porcelain with 229 entries and eight illustrative plates, one of them
                                                             unusually in colour.
           £40,000 - 60,000
           CNY360,000 - 540,000                              來源:
                                                             Charles Oswald Liddell上尉(1854-1941)舊藏
                                                             倫敦古董商Bluett & Sons Ltd.
           清康熙 五彩「牡丹」花神盃                                     倫敦E. A. Parry(1879-1946)舊藏,於1929年6月12日購自上者,
           青花「大清康熙年製」楷書款                                     並由後人保存迄今

           Captain Charles Oswald Liddell (1854-1941)        展覽著錄:
                                                             Bluett & Sons Ltd.,《Liddell收藏中國瓷器(The Liddell Collection of
           Bluett & Sons Ltd., London                        Old Chinese Porcelain)》,倫敦,1929年6月,頁11,編號100或101
           E. A. Parry (1879-1946), London, acquired from the above on
           12 June 1929, and thence by descent               利德爾上尉(Captain Charles Oswald Liddell),1854年生於愛
           Published and Exhibited:                          年。1880年,他與Elizabeth Birt在上海聖公會大教堂舉行婚禮,隨後
           Bluett & Sons Ltd., The Liddell Collection of Old Chinese Porcelain,   接手了Birt家族在上海的平和碼頭,並將業務擴展到杭州、天津和哈爾
           London, June 1929, p.11, no.100 or 101.           濱等地。平和洋行的英文商號在其弟John加入後改為Liddell Bros。利
           Captain Charles Oswald Liddell was born in 1851 in Edinburgh. Having   長官和榮譽上尉。1908年,利德爾與巴爾(A.W.Bahr,時任皇家亞洲
           moved to China for family business, he worked there from 1877-  學會華北分會秘書)合作於上海舉辦展覽,巴爾將展覽描述集結成
           1913. He married Elizabeth Birt in 1880 in the Anglican Cathedral   《中國古瓷美術譜(Old Chinese Porcelain and Works of Art in
           in Shanghai, and thereby inherited Birt’s Wharf there, expanding the   China)》並於1911年出版。利德爾的藏品,除其中三件以外,全數
           business to Hangzhou, Tianjin and Harbin. He was joined by his   在其在華經商的近四十年間入藏;其中一大部分來自兩個重要渠道:
           brother John when the firm became known as Liddell Bros. In 1915   清朝末代攝政王醇親王載灃的藏品,以及李鴻章的私人秘書兼顧問的
           Liddell was Quartermaster and Hon. Captain in the 1st Battalion,   收藏。1929年5月至6月期間,倫敦古董商Bluett’s出售了利德爾的部分
           The Monmouthshire Regiment, having served previously (and more   藏品,並出版了《利德爾收藏中國瓷器(The Liddell Collection of Old
           adventurously) in the ‘Shanghai Light Horse’. Liddell collaborated with   Chinese Porcelain)》圖錄,收錄了共計229件藏品並附8張插圖,
           A.W.Bahr in an exhibition in Shanghai in 1908 (he was Chairman of   其中甚至包含一幅頗不尋常的彩色插圖。
           the North China branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, and in writing

                                                  For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
           66  |  BONHAMS                         please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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