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19  Y
           A VERY RARE CARVED AMBER MELON-   The auspicious designs depicted on the   Although amber boxes dating to the 17th and
           SHAPED ‘DRAGON’ BOX AND COVER     present box would have made it a suitable   18th century are rare, the shape of the present
           18th century                      objects used by the Imperial family or high-  box and the arrangement of decorative
           The lobed vessel of warm honey tone, crisply   ranking members of the Court. Dragons   designs on its cover and body closely
           carved to the cover with a front-facing writhing  embodied royalty and dominion in China,   compare with a lacquer lobed box decorated
           dragon grasping a flaming pearl amongst   and when clutching the flaming pearl,   with dragons, mid Qing dynasty, illustrated in
           billowing cloud scrolls, all within a shaped   expressed the visual metaphor of the good   The Complete Collection of Lacquer, vol.6,
           cartouche, the curving sides with panels of   ruler who behaved wisely for the well-being   Fuzhou, 1993, pl.138.
           formal lotus flowerheads, the gently curving   of his subjects.
           box similarly carved with lotus, wood stand.                       Compare with a related amber ‘dragon’
           5.6cm (2 1/4in) wide. (3).        Amber was a highly revered material and   washer, Qing dynasty, which was sold at
                                             would have required great skill and precision   Sotheby’s New York, 17 March 2015, lot 308.
           £8,000 - 12,000                   to successfully render the shape of the melon
           CNY72,000 - 110,000               as well as the finely-detailed decorations of   上佳褐紅蜜色透明琥珀琢制,質地通透,
                                             the dragon and lotus. Amber is also known   流光溢彩。淺浮雕開光雲龍紋,龍目圓睜,
                                             as hu po, which can be translated as ‘the   揚須擺尾,矯健威猛,雕工一絲不苟。
           十八世紀 琥珀雕龍紋海棠形蓋盒                   tiger’s soul’. As the tiger is considered to be
                                             the king of beasts in China, amber is therefore   琥珀者,古代松柏等樹脂的化石。中國古代
           Provenance:                       associated with the strong qualities of the   有許多關於琥珀的神奇傳說,如稱琥珀為
           Parry Collection, London, and thence by   tiger including the ability to capture and chase   「虎魄」,認為琥珀是老虎的魂魄;中醫認
           descent                           away evil spirits. It also symbolises longevity.    為其有通淋化瘀、寧心安神之功效;佛經中
           來源:                               The art of amber carving reached its zenith   供具」。十八世紀,琥珀工藝臻善,清宮造
           倫敦Parry家族收藏,並由後人保存迄今              during the 18th century, when a vast range   辦處與蘇州作坊皆出產各式琥珀製品。
                                             of objects was produced at both the Imperial
           Notable for its refined carving and the   Workshops located in the Forbidden City and   現存十七至十八世紀的琥珀蓋盒存世極少,但
           attractive translucent golden-honey tone of   at select ateliers in Suzhou.    本例造型紋飾在漆器製品上偶有可見,如一例
           the amber, which has been sensitively carved                       清中期戧金彩漆雲龍菊瓣式盒,見《中國漆器
           in the shape of a segmented melon, the                             全集》,卷六,福州,1993年,圖版138。
           present box is a rare example dating to the
           18th century.                                                      紐約蘇富比曾售一例清琥珀雕雙龍戲珠紋花

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