Page 59 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
P. 59

           A VERY FINE GOLD AND SILVER-INLAID   錯金銀工藝最早可見於周代晚期,並隨復古風
           BRONZE TRIPOD INCENSE BURNER,     格於宋代興起時再次流行。以錯金銀為飾之仿
           LIDING                            古器皿的年代在過去數年中一直頗受爭論,
           17th/18th century                 一般認為該類器年代最早可至宋,最晚則至
           The tri-lobed body decorated with crisp silver   清代。香港蘇富比曾於2014年10月8日售出一
           and gold wire inlay forming archaistic motifs   例宋代銅錯金銀饕餮紋沖天耳鼎式爐,拍品
           and taotie masks, supported on three slightly   編號3335,其工藝及紋飾均與本品類似。亦
           tapered legs decorated with stylised cicadas,   可參見一座尺寸稍遜的十七/十八世紀早期錯
           the lipped rim and arched handles with   銀鼎式香爐,見M.Maucuer著,《Bronzes de
           key-fret borders, the interior and underside   la Chine Imperiale des Song aux Qing》,巴
           undecorated.                      黎,2013年,頁101,編號52。
           26cm (10 1/4in) high.
           £8,000 - 12,000                   十八世紀銅錯銀鬲鼎式香爐,分別售出於香              Lot 18 (invoice)
           CNY72,000 - 110,000               港佳士得,2015年6月3日,拍品編號3315,
           十七/十八世紀 銅錯金銀饕餮紋鬲鼎式香爐

           Spink & Son Ltd., London
           G. N. Parry (1917-1978), London, acquired
           from the above on 24 September 1959, and
           thence by descent

           倫敦古董商Spink & Son Ltd.
           倫敦G. N. Parry(1917-1978)舊藏,於1959
           The present liding is impressive for the
           exceptionally well executed archaistic
           design, utilising the entire three-lobed
           exterior of the vessel. The decorative
           technique of silver-wire inlay on bronze first
           appeared during the late Zhou dynasty,
           and was revived and became popular from
           the Song dynasty onwards when archaism
           became a predominant style in the production
           of artefacts. The dating of such gold and
           silver-inlaid bronze archaistic vessels has been
           a subject of debate over the past years, with
           opinions and dating ranging from the Song
           to the Qing dynasty. See a closely related
           gold and silver-inlaid bronze incense burner,
           liding, dated as Song dynasty, which was sold
           at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8 October 2014,
           lot 3335. Compare, however, with a related
           but smaller silver-wire inlaid tripod vessel,
           ding, 17th/early 18th century, illustrated by
           M.Maucuer, Bronzes de la Chine Imperiale des
           Song aux Qing, Paris, 2013, p.101, no.52.
           Compare also with a related but smaller silver-
           wire inlaid bronze tripod censer, ding, 16th
           century, which was sold at Christie’s Hong
           Kong, 3 June 2015, lot 3315. For a further
           related example, see a smaller silver-wire inlaid
           bronze archaistic tripod censer, liding, 18th
           century, which was sold at Christie’s New
           York, 26 March 2010, lot 1320.


           For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
           please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.  THE PARRY COLLECTION  |  57
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