Page 23 - 2020 December 2 Christie's Hong Kong Classical Paintings and Calligrahy
P. 23

Tour in Zhixing Mountains: Landscape and Calligraphy

            by Shen Zhou and Wen Zhengming


            According to the Chronicle of Shen Zhou, during the fourth year of the Hongzhi   《沈周年譜》記載,明弘治4年(1491),65歲的
            reign (1491), the 65-year-old Shen Zhou toured in the Zhixing Mountains. With   沈周有遊支硎山之行。據《詩畫合卷》文徵明題
            reference to the inscriptions by Wen Zhengming on  Landscape and Calligraphy,   記,時年22歲的文徵明當隨侍在側,儼然已是沈門
            Wen, then 22, accompanied Shen during the tour in the capacity of a student.   弟子。《沈周年譜》又記文徵明於弘治9 年
            While it was further documented in the  Chronicle of Shen Zhou that Wen was
            learning painting from Shen in the ninth year of the Hongzhi reign (1496), his   (1496)“已從啟南學畫”,據此《詩畫合卷》文
            inscriptions on  Landscape and  Calligraphy  testified  that he was already a  student   氏題跋,文徵明從沈周學畫至少可以提前至弘治
            of Shen Zhou in 1491, or possibly earlier. Decades later, the 86-year-old Wen   4年(1491)或以前。數十年後,86歲的文徵明憶
            Zhengming reminisced about the execution of this painting by his teacher and how   述老師此圖“畫成作詩,為人持去”,於是為之補
            Shen Zhou’s original poetic inscription had been removed. As such, he added the   錄詩作,兼述由來。
            now-lost poem and his account of the creation of this work.
            Landscape and Calligraphy once belonged to Shen Shixing (1535–1614), a Grand   初兩入禮部侍郎沈德潛(1673-1769)之手,至
            Secretariat of the Ming dynasty. Later it entered the collection of Shen Deqian   1912年為羅振玉(1866-1940)售與日本飯田家族,
            (1866–1934), an Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Rites during the early Qing.   並由羅氏、內藤湖南(1866-1934)、長尾甲
            Luo Zhenyu (1866–1940) owned it for a time until he sold it in 1912 to the Iida
            family (who founded the department store chain Takashimaya). Consequently, the   (1864-1942)相次題記。飯田家族以經營服裝和
            handscroll embodies inscriptions by Luo Zhenyu, Naito Konan (1866-1934), and   棉料織品致富,創建高島屋百貨,受到當時大東
            Nagao Uzan (1864–1942).The Iida family acquired a significant amount of Chinese   亞美術觀念影響,在內藤湖南、羅振玉等人幫助
            paintings and calligraphy with the assistance from Luo Zhenyu, Naito Konan, and   下,收藏了大量的中國書畫。沈、文《詩畫合
            others. Landscape and Calligraphy underwent physical changes and journeyed from   卷》歷經數變,漂越東瀛,猶然存之天壤,披卷
            China to Japan, continues to evoke emotions and inspire contemplations from all   思古,當信長物有情。
            who study it.

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