Page 205 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 205
A RARe gROuP OF PAINTed FeMAle ‘lONg sleeVe’ Music and dance were important elements of court ritual during the Han
dANceRs, sheN-I, WesTeRN hAN dyNAsTy dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), and these highly elegant figures in their tight-
fitting, wraparound robes (shen-i) represents a ‘long-sleeve’ dancer. A
China, 206 BC-220 AD. Finely modeled each of heavy grey pottery, the figure of this type, which has one long sleeve flung over her shoulder and
dancers wear long, tightly wrapped, layered robes that accentuate the other pendent at her side, in the Weber Collection, The Metropolitan
the slender profile of their curved bodies as they bend forward in a Museum of Art, is illustrated by D. P. Leidy, How to Read Chinese Ceramics,
moment of the dance. The robes flare at the base and are hiked up The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New york, 2015, no. 3, where Leidy
at the back in a graceful arch, while the empty ends of the full sleeves includes a poem that refers to these dancers:
of the larger figure are flung outwards in sharp angles. Their faces
are modeled with strong, intent features, and her hair is parted in the „And they waved their long, dangling sleeves,
middle and combed back in a looped knot. There are remains of white, With a curvaceous, cultivated bearing,
pink, red and black pigment. (2) Their lovely dresses fluttered like flowers in the wind.
Their eyes cast darting glances,
One look could overthrow a city.“
Provenance: An Austrian private
collection. Galerie Zacke, Vienna, April
28th, 2004. Dr. Mons Fischer, acquired Literature comparison: Another dancer of this type is illustrated by r.
from the above for EUR €33,000. A copy D. Jacobsen, Appreciating China: Gifts from Ruth and Bruce Dayton, The
of the invoice from Galerie Zacke, Vienna, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 2002, pp. 144-45, no. 76. The sleeves of this
April 28th, 2004, is accompanying this lot. dancer are shown dangling from her raised hands which are held in front
A seasoned private collector of modern of her body. See, also, the four related dancers included in the Eskenazi
and contemporary art, Dr. Mons Fischer exhibition, Early Chinese art: 8th century BC - 9th century AD, London, 6
has also acquired fine Chinese works of June - 8 July 1995, nos. 33 and 35 to 37. The empty ends of the sleeves are
art since the 1980s, eventually building depicted as flat like those of the present standing figure.
one of the most important collections of Dr. and Mrs. Mons Fischer
its kind in Austria. AucTION ResulT cOMPARIsON
condition: Some repair and touchups as generally Compare with a closely related figure of a single
expected from Han dynasty excavations. Losses, female dancer at Christies New york in Fine
fissures and encrustations. Each statue with three Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art part I, 17 - 18
drilled holes from sample-taking. Overall very good March 2016, lot 1473, sold for USD $37,500.
scientific Report for the standing figure: A
thermoluminescence analysis report issued by 罕見一組彩繪長袖舞女陶俑,西漢
Oxford Authentication on February 13th, 2020, 中國,公元前206至公元220年。灰色陶器精心模擬舞者們的神態動作。他們穿著長
based on sample number C120a74, sets the 整個袖子飛揚。舞女面部表情細膩,頭髮中分,腦後梳成髮髻。殘餘白、粉、和黑
firing date of three samples taken at 1500 – 2400 色顏料。
years ago. A copy of the report, issued by Oxford
Authentication, is accompanying this lot. 來源:一個奧地利私人老收藏。維也納Zacke藝廊,2004年4月28日。Dr. Mons
scientific Report for the seated figure: A Fischer購於上述藝廊,成交價EUR €33.000。隨附發票複印件。Dr. Mons Fischer是
thermoluminescence analysis report issued by 終在奧地利建立了此類藏品最重要的收藏之一。
Oxford Authentication on February 11th, 2020, 品相:漢代考古普遍預期的一些維修和修整。 缺損、裂縫和結殼。 測試所需的樣品
based on sample number C120a75, sets the 採集產生的三個鑽孔。 總體狀況很好。
firing date of three samples taken at 1500 – 2400 隨附牛津熱釋光測試檢測證書拷貝
years ago. A copy of the report, issued by Oxford 重量:9公斤
Authentication, is accompanying this lot. 拍賣結果比較:一件類似的舞女陶俑2016年3月17至18日紐約佳士得《中國陶瓷和藝
術品 I》拍號 1473,成交價USD $37.500。
Weight: 9 kg
Dimensions: Height 52.5 cm (the standing figure) and 32.5 cm (the seated estimate euR 10.000,-
figure) Starting price EUr 5.000,-