Page 208 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 208

             A RARe PAINTed gRAy POTTeRy FIguRe
             OF A KNeelINg bAcTRIAN cAMel
                                                                Weight: 4.2 kg
             China, early Tang Dynasty, 7th century. Shown in the process of either   Dimensions: Length 34 cm
             lowering itself to the ground or rising, its neck and head pointed
             straight forward and its mouth partially open to expose the teeth,   The back heavily laden with a large pack showing a central slit and tied
             with deeply scored patches of hair on the head, neck, upper legs and   together on either side above a long cloth folded below the packing-boards
             humps.                                             and flanked by twists of cloth and suspended flasks on one side and slain
                                                                prey on the other. With traces of red, black, white and ochre pigment.
               Provenance: A Czech private collection.
               Galerie Zacke, Vienna, 2000. Dr. Mons            Auction result comparison: Compare with a closely related kneeling Bactrian
               Fischer, acquired from the above. A              camel at Christies New york in Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 18
               seasoned private collector of modern and         September 1997, lot 353, sold for USD $32,200.
               contemporary art, Dr. Mons Fischer has also
               acquired fine Chinese works of art since the     罕見的彩繪駱駝灰陶俑
               1980s, eventually building one of the most       中國,唐代早期,七世紀。如圖所示,駱駝在蹲下或站立起來的過程中其脖子和頭部
               important collections of its kind in Austria.   Dr. and Mrs. Mons Fischer  筆直指向前方,嘴巴部分張開以露出牙齒,頭部、頸部、大腿和背部上可見鬃毛。
               condition: Some repair as generally
               expected from Han dynasty excavations.           來源:一個捷克私人老收藏。維也納Zacke藝廊,2002年。Dr. Mons Fischer購於上
                                                                述藝廊。Dr. Mons Fischer是一位經驗豐富的現代和當代藝術私人收藏家,從1980年
               Losses, fissures and encrustations. Three drilled holes   代開始收藏中國藝術品,最終在奧地利建立了此類藏品最重要的收藏之一。
               from sample-taking. Overall good condition.      品相:漢代考古發掘普遍進行的一些修復。 缺損、裂縫和結殼。測試所需的樣品採
               scientific Report: A thermoluminescence analysis   集產生的三個鑽孔。
               report issued by Oxford Authentication on February   隨附牛津熱釋光測試檢測證書拷貝
               6th, 2020, based on sample number C120a66, sets   重量:4.2公斤
               the firing date of three samples taken at 900 – 1500
               years ago. A copy of the report, issued by Oxford
               Authentication, is accompanying this lot.        estimate euR 3.000,-
                                                                Starting price EUr 1.500,-

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