Page 209 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 209

          A MAssIVe POTTeRy FIguRe OF A cAMel ANd RIdeR,    and reflects the prosperity of Tang China, one of the greatest empires in
          TANg dyNAsTy                                      the medieval world, marked by successful diplomatic relationships and
                                                            economic expansion along the silk roads.
          China, 618-907. The large camel is modeled with its head slightly
          turned to the left, protruding eyes, flaring nostrils and ears lying   Literature comparison: A related large painted pottery group of camel
          against its neck, its mouth held wide open with the tongue in the   and foreign rider, dressed in a fur coat and wearing a large pointed hat,
          center. A detachable saddle bag hangs between its humps and is   excavated from the tomb of Wang Chen (buried 679), Changzhi, Shaanxi
          surmounted by a bearded Turk or Sogdian rider, wearing a distinctively   province in 1954 and now in the Museum of Chinese History, Beijing, is
          pointed hat, with both arms raised to hold the reins.  illustrated by Li Jian (ed.), The Glory of the Silk Road, Art from Ancient China,
                                                            The Dayton Art Institute, 2003, p. 170, pl. 85. Another related pottery figure
                                                            of a Bactrian camel and rider from the The Chinhuatang Collection, was sold
           Provenance: A Dutch private collection.          at Christie’s Hong Kong, Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 29
           Galerie Zacke, Vienna, January 22nd,             November 2017, lot 2919.
           2004. Dr. Mons Fischer, acquired from
           the above for EUR €17,000. A copy of
           the invoice from Galerie Zacke, Vienna,           AucTION ResulT
           January 22nd, 2004, is accompanying               cOMPARIsON
           this lot. A seasoned private collector of         Compare with a closely related camel
           modern and contemporary art, Dr. Mons             and rider at Christies London in Fine
           Fischer has also acquired fine Chinese            Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art,
           works of art since the 1980s, eventually          5 November 2019, lot 4, sold for GBP
           building one of the most important   Dr. and Mrs. Mons Fischer  £75,000.
           collections of its kind in Austria.
           condition: Some repair and touchups as generally
           expected from Tang dynasty excavations. Losses,   胡人騎駱駝陶俑,唐代
           fissures and encrustations. Four drilled holes from   形,嘴巴張開,舌頭居中。 一個可拆卸的馬鞍袋懸掛在其駝峰之間,上面坐著留著
           sample-taking. Overall very good condition.      鬍子的突厥或粟特騎手搭,戴著一副特徵明顯的帽子,舉起雙手握住繮繩。
           scientific Report: A thermoluminescence analysis
           report issued by Oxford Authentication on February   來源:一個荷蘭私人老收藏。維也納Zacke藝廊,2004年1月22日。Dr. Mons
           11th, 2020, based on sample number C120a54,      Fischer購於上述藝廊,成交價EUR €17.000。隨附發票複印件。Dr. Mons Fischer是
           sets the firing date of three of the samples taken at   終在奧地利建立了此類藏品最重要的收藏之一。
           900 - 1500 years ago. A copy of the report, issued by   品相:唐朝考古中普遍出現的一些修補和修整。 缺損、裂縫和結殼。 測試所需的樣
           Oxford Authentication, is accompanying this lot.  品採集產生的三個鑽孔。 總體狀況很好。
                                                            重量:16.2 公斤
          Weight: 16.2 kg                                   尺寸:高68厘米
          Dimensions: Height 68 cm                          拍賣結果比較:一件相近的胡人駱駝陶俑2019年11月5日倫敦佳士得《中國陶瓷和工
                                                            藝品》拍號4,成交價 GBP £75.000。
          This camel and rider belong to a group of Tang pottery that are remarkably
          realistic as each model appears to be unique. Figures of foreigners, perhaps   estimate euR 15.000,-
          a Turk or Sogdian, are generally used in such groupings of Tang pottery   Starting price EUr 7.500,-

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