Page 238 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 238
281 Finely carved openwork hardwood lid, possibly Zitan, with a chrysanthemum
A lONgQuAN celAdON RIbbed JAR, flower and a circumferential ruyi and hibiscus motif. Old Japanese wood
yuAN dyNAsTy box with metal handle. (3)
China, 1271-1368. The baluster body rising from a stepped foot to AucTION ResulT cOMPARIsON
a broad straight neck, the exterior carved with vertically raised ribs, Compare with a closely related jar at
covered overall in an unctuous sea-green glaze. Sotheby’s Hong Kong in Chinese Art,
29-30 November 2018, lot 606, sold for
Provenance: Acquired by W. r. Hodgson HKD $37,500.
in Tokyo in the early 1950s on the advice
of Professor Fujio Koyama of the Tokyo
National Museum. Thence by descent 龍泉窯青瓷罐,元代
within the family. Lieutenant Colonel 中國,1271-1368。青瓷罐鼓腹,短頸,高圈足,全身遍上青釉。
William Roy Hodgson, CMG, OBE (1892- 來源: W. R. Hodgson上世紀五十年代在東京國立美術館小山富士夫的建議下購於
1958) was an Australian diplomat and 東京,自此在家族中保存。上校William Roy Hodgson先生(1892-1958),澳大利亞
member of the drafting committee for William roy Hodgson 外交官, 聯合國《人權宣言》起草委員會成員。底部有日文老標簽。
the UN Universal Declaration of Human (1892-1958), far left 品相:品相極好,一些老磨損,輕微燒製瑕疵,足部小磕損,但并未深入釉内。罐蓋
rights. Old Japanese paper label to base. 上有輕微缺損。
condition: Excellent condition with old wear, minimal firing flaws and 重量:181.1 克 (罐),19.4 克 (蓋)
尺寸:直徑8.5 厘米
small chipping to foot, not extending into the glaze. Minor losses to lid 拍賣歷史:一件非常相近的罐子曾在2018年11月29至30日在香港蘇富比中國藝術場
and box. 以HKD $37,500拍出。
Weight: 181.1 g (the vessel) and 19.4 g (the lid) estimate euR 800,-
Dimensions: Diameter 8.5 cm Starting price EUr 400,-