Page 240 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 240

             A JIZhOu TORTOIseshell-glAZed ‘guRI’
             cONIcAl bOWl, JIN OR yuAN dyNAsTy

             China, 1125-1368. Painted in a cream color with ruyi-heads   Literature comparison: Song Ceramics from the Laiyantang Collection, 2010,
             surrounding a central star-shaped flower on the interior, simulating   p. 92-93, no. 37. Suzanne G. Valenstein, A Handbook of Chinese Ceramics,
             tixi lacquer, on the exterior with mottled russet and pale blue specks   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New york, 1989, p. 117, no. 113M. Medley,
             simulating tortoise shell, against a dark brown glaze stopping at the flat   The Chinese Potter, Oxford 1989, p. 130, fig. 117A. Ibid. 1989, p. 160, fig.
             foot revealing the buff ware.                      120. S.A. Valenstein, Handbook of Chinese Ceramics, New york 1989, p. 117,
                                                                ill. 113. Inaugural Exhibition, Vol. 1. Chinese Ceramics, The Museum of East
                                                                Asian Art, Bath 1993, no. 128, p. 174, no. 128.
               Provenance: Dong Yu Artesanato, Macao. Dr. Koos de Jong, acquired
               from the above in 1995 (no invoice available). Dr. de Jong is a Dutch art
               historian and has been privately collecting       AucTION ResulT cOMPARIsON
               Chinese art over decades. He has                  Compare with a slightly smaller
               authored hundreds of articles and several         bowl with a similar design, from
               books on Dutch fine and decorative arts           the Southern Song dynasty, sold by
               spanning from the Middle Ages to the              Bonham’s Hong Kong in The Feng
               modern era and published an extensive             Wen Tang Collection of Early Chinese
               study of saddle rugs in Dragon & Horse.           Ceramics on 9 October 2014, lot 182,
               Saddle rugs and Other Horse Tack from             for HKD $625,000.
               China and Beyond. Between 1976 and
               2009 he worked for numerous museums   Dr. Koos de Jong and
               across the Netherlands and was director   ingeborg de roode (photo   吉州窯玳瑁釉如意紋盞,金或元代
               of the European Ceramic Work Center in   courtesy of Stedelijk   中國,1125-1368。乳白色釉,內部飾花卉紋上可見如意紋,仿剔犀黑漆,外壁飾
                                           Museum Amsterdam)
                                                                有斑駁的赤褐色和淺藍色斑點,模仿玳瑁紋,深褐色的釉則停在平足上,露出了 胎
               Den Bosch.                                       體。
               condition: Good condition with minor wear and firing flaws, pale-white
               scratches from the rim along the exterior sides in one area, as well as   來源:澳門Dong Yu Artesanato。Dr. Koos de Jong1995年購於上述收藏 (無發
               some intentional crackling to the glaze.         票)。Drs. Koos de Jong是一位荷蘭藝術史學家,幾十年來他一直私人收藏中國藝術
                                                                術。2013年,他在《Dragon & Horse:Saddle Rugs and Other Horse Tack from
             Weight: 232.5 g                                    China and Beyond》中發表了有關中國騎馬裝備的詳盡研究。1976年至2009年
             Dimensions: Diameter 15.6 cm                       間,他曾在荷蘭的許多博物館工作,並曾擔任登博世歐洲陶瓷工作中心的主任。
             The golden opalescent quality of the design contrasts very effectively with   重量:232.5 克
             the dense, dark brown glaze beneath. This was an interesting technique   尺寸:直徑15.6 厘米
             used at the Jizhou kilns to paint pale designs on top of the unfired glaze.   拍賣結果比較:一個相似的小些的南宋盞于2014年10月9日香港邦翰思《奉文堂中國
             When the piece was fired, and the glaze flowed slightly, the designs were   早期陶瓷》拍號182,成交價HKD $625,000。
             rendered in softer focus, and the patterns, which were often akin to those
             seen on carved lacquers of the period, provided a pleasing richness of   estimate euR 3.000,-
             surface decoration.                                Starting price EUr 1.500,-

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