Page 263 - Made For Trade Chinese Export Paintings In Dutch Collections
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                                Amsterdam - National Maritime Museum
                      Object#   Name object, maker, description and acquisition          Material and date   Size
                      A.1947(01)  Painting, anonymous, the roadstead of Macao. 1939, purchase of G.A. Brongers  Oil on canvas, original  59 x 92 x 4 cm
                                                                                         wooden black frame with  45 x 79 cm
                                                                                         gilded inner edge, c. 1845  (inside frame)
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                      A.1947(02)  Painting, anonymous, the roadstead of Hong Kong. 1939, purchase of  Oil on canvas, original  57 x 91 x 4.5 cm
                                G.A. Brongers                                            wooden black frame with  42.5 x 75.5 cm
                                                                                         gilded inner edge, c. 1845  (inside frame)
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                      A.2068(06)  Painting, anonymous, set of 4: the Quay of Canton with trading houses, from  Oil on bone, exuberant  30.5 x 34.5 x 7.5
                      a to (06)d  left to right: Denmark, Austria (Republic), America, Sweden, England and  carved wooden gold-  cm
                                Holland; the roadstead of Whampoa; the roadstead of Macao, transcription  coloured frame, c. 1810  9.5 x 13.5 cm
                                verso; the mouth of the Tiger river (Bocca Tigris), inscription verso: De monding  (inside frame)
                                van den Tiger. 1941, purchase of A.J. van Huffel (auction)
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                      A.3229(01)  Painting, anonymous, set of 4: the roadstead of Canton with trading houses,  Oil on copper, wooden  19.5 x 23 x 1 cm
                      to        from left to right: Austria (Republic), America, England and Holland, inscription  black flat frame with  11 x 15 cm (inside
                      A.3229(04)  verso: Canton; De Factorijen langs de Cantonesche Rivier; 2 Chinese characters  golden edge with dots and  frame)
                                (?); the roadstead of Whampoa, inscription verso: Whampoa Reede; Reede van  floral design, c. 1790
                                Whampoa; the roadstead of Macau, inscription verso: Macao; Macao te zien van
                                het Fort Bonaparte; the mouth of the Tiger river (?) near to Canton; Bocca Tigris,
                                inscription verso: De monding van den Tiger; Een schip de Bocca Tigri
                                uitzeilende. 1956, purchase of Mak van Waay (auction)
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                      S.0173(03)  Painting, anonymous, the roadstead of Canton. 1921, gift from S. Granaat  Oil on canvas, wooden  55.5 x 69 x 4.5 cm
                                                                                         frame, not original, c. 1845  45 x 59 cm
                                                                                                             (inside frame)
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                      S.1388    Painting, anonymous, ship portrait, the bark ship Pantalon at the roadstead of  Oil on canvas, wooden  54 x 67.5 x 3 cm
                                Hong Kong, inscription recto: Pantalon. Kapt: H: I: Van: Geyt ter Reede.  gilded European frame,  45.5 x 59 cm
                                Hongkong april: 1866. 1936, gift from C.P. Schaafstra-Schuszler  18e-century design, 1866  (inside frame)
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                      S.1730(02)  Painting, anonymous, ship portrait, the bark ship Henriette sailing near to an  Oil on canvas, original  58.5 x 92 x 4 cm
                                East-Asian roadstead (Hong Kong), inscription recto: Henriette Kapt. J. Van  wooden Chinese frame,  44 x 77.5 cm
                                Loenen 1858. 1939, gift from Joh. J. Siebrasse           1858                (inside frame)
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                      S.1730(03)b  Painting, anonymous, the roadstead of Whampoa, inscription recto: Wampoa.  Oil on canvas, original  59 x 92 x 4.5 cm
                                1939, gift from Joh. J. Siebrasse                        wooden Chinese frame,  44 x 77.5 cm
                                                                                         n.y. (1858?)        (inside frame)
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                      S.1730(03)d  Painting, anonymous, ship portrait, the bark ship Henriette at the roadstead of  Oil on canvas, original  58.5 x 92 x 4 cm
                                Macau, inscription recto: Macao. 1939, gift from Joh. J. Siebrasse  wooden Chinese frame,  44 x 77 cm
                                                                                         n.y. (1858?)        (inside frame)
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                      S.4217    Painting, anonymous, ship portrait, the steamer Zr. Ms. Medusa at the roadstead  Oil on canvas, exuberant  37 x 51 x 3.5 cm
                                of Hong Kong. 1970, gift, provenance unknown             carved wooden European  27 x 40 cm
                                                                                         frame with traces of  (inside frame)
                                                                                         gilding, 1855
                                Amsterdam - Rijksmuseum
                      Object#   Name object, maker, description and acquisition          Material and date   Size
                      NG 1981-12-A  Painting, anonymous, set of 4 paintings with images of the production of tea  Gouache on paper,  31.3 x 25 cm
                      to 1981-12-D  process. 1981, purchase Christie’s auction           c. 1770
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                      NG-1052   Painting, anonymous, View of the city of Canton with foreign factories, from left  Watercolour on silk,  95 x 368 cm
                                to right Denmark, France, Sweden, England and Holland, no information about  c. 1771
                                the acquisition
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                      AK-NM-    Painting, anonymous, 2 paintings with images from the Story of the Western  Sepia and gold on  34 x 41.5 cm
                      6611-A and  Wing. 1883, Collection Royer, conveyance Royal Cabinet of Rarities  porcelain, 1770-1790,
                      6611-B                                                             original gilded frame
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                      AK-NM-    Painting, anonymous, 2 paintings with images from the Story of the Western  Enamel on porcelain,  34 x 41.5 cm
                      6612-A and  Wing (?). 1883, Collection Royer, conveyance Royal Cabinet of Rarities  1770-1790, original gilded
                      6612-B                                                             frame
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                      AK-NM-    Painting, anonymous, 2 paintings with hunting scenes, executed after the  Encre-de-Chine on  33 x 39 cm
                      6613-A and  mezzo-tint The death of the fox by Thomas Burford, after a painting from the  porcelain, 1770-1790,
                      6613-B    series of James Seymour (1702-1752) and after a print In full chase from the same  original gilded frame
                                series. 1883, Collection Royer, conveyance Royal Cabinet of Rarities
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