Page 265 - Made For Trade Chinese Export Paintings In Dutch Collections
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                                Amsterdam - Tropenmuseum / Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen
                      Object#   Name object, maker, description and acquisition          Material and date   Size
                      TM-A-7227  Painting, anonymous, harbour view near to Canton. 1921, gift by The Royal  Oil on canvas, wooden  67 x 52 cm
                                Zoological Society The Natura Artis Magistra             gilded frame, c. 1795
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                      TM-A-     Album, Sunqua(’s studio) with 7 images of Chinese ships, signed with Sunqua  Watercolour on pith paper,  23.5 x 33 cm
                      7780e     stamp. 1921, gift from The Royal Zoological Society Natura Artis Magistra  original album cover,
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                      TM-A-     Album, with 12 images of women making music and doing homecrafts  Watercolour on pith paper,  25.5 x 21.5 cm
                      7780f     (embroider). 1921, gift from The Royal Zoological Society Natura Artis Magistra  original album cover,
                                                                                         19th century
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                      TM-54-40  Painting, anonymous, set of 4 paintings with actors, sword dancers and jugglers.  Watercolour on pith paper,  c. 22.3 x 13.9 cm
                      A-D       1917, gift from Carel Hendrik Aart van der Wijck         19th century
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                      TM-54-41 A-  Painting, anonymous, set of 4 paintings with sword dancers and jugglers. 1917,  Watercolour on pith paper,  c. 22.3 x 14 cm
                      D         gift from Carel Hendrik Aart van der Wijck               19th century
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                      TM-54-42  Painting, anonymous, set of 3 paintings with high dignitaries and their staff,  Watercolour on pith paper,  c. 22.3 x 14.1 cm
                                street peddlers and performers. 1917, gift from Carel Hendrik Aart van der Wijck  19th century
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                      TM-1574-1  Painting, anonymous, Praya Grande with view of the convent of Nona da Pinha in  Watercolour on paper,  20 x 32 cm
                                Macau, 1942, gift from P. Brandt                         sepia drawing washed with
                                                                                         ink, 19th century
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                      TM-1574-2  Painting, anonymous, river scene, 1942, gift from P. Brandt  Watercolour on paper,  18 x 24.5 cm
                                                                                         sepia drawing washed with
                                                                                         ink, 19th century
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                      TM-1754-2  Painting, anonymous, set of 10 paintings with harbour and river views and boats  Oil on wooden panel,  18.5 x 24.5 cm
                      to 11     (Inscriptions: Scene on the Canton River, Cape of Good Hope, Near gangwauch  black wooden frame with  13.5 x 19.5 cm
                                colly on the river Hoogly, Whampoa Pagoda, Cape Ricardo Straits of Malacca,  gilded inner edge, 19th  (inside frame)
                                Chinese Junks, Chinese duckboat, Near cucrwattel on the river Hoogly, South  century, restoration 1948
                                West view of Canton, Dutch residence at Anjere Point). 1947, gift from
                                L.W. Bierens de Haan
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                      TM-2034-1  Painting, anonymous, set of 12 paintings with harbour and river views and boats  Oil on canvas behind glass,  18.5 x 24.5 cm
                      to 12     (Inscriptions: View of Canton in 1822, View of Canton fire in 1822, View of Canton  black wooden frame with  13.5 x 19.5 cm
                                in 1824, Hoe Chufou Toe a Chinese fort near to Canton, Hotun. On the Canton  gilded inner edge, 19th  (inside frame)
                                River, Camoens Cave Macao, Macao. China, Chinese Vessels, Watering place  century, restoration 1952
                                Anjere Point, Gale off the Cape of Good Hope, Off Madeira). 1950, gift from
                                S.J. van Ewijck-van de Bilt
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                      TM-3728-  Album, anonymous, with 12 images with women with various musical  Watercolour on pith paper,  34 x 22 cm
                      483       instruments, new album with silk red cover; original album perished. 1968, gift  glued on European paper,
                                from Centrale Boekerij KIT Amsterdam (ILS, Library)      19th century
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                      TM-3728-  Album, anonymous, with 41 images with various (Chinese) subjects. 1968, gift  Book in red leather cover,  47.4 x 35.5 cm
                      484       from Centrale Boekerij KIT Amsterdam (ILS, Library)      gilt-edged, 19th century
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                      TM-3728-  Painting, anonymous, 3 portraits of 2 western men and 1 woman, in album 3728-  Watercolour on pith paper,  11 x 8.7 cm
                      485 to 487  484. 1968, gift from Centrale Boekerij KIT Amsterdam (ILS, Library)  19th century
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                      TM-3728-  Painting, anonymous, two dignitaries (emperor and mandarin), in album 3728-  Watercolour on pith paper,  29.5 x 17 cm
                      488       484, 1968, gift from Centrale Boekerij KIT Amsterdam (ILS, Library)  19th century
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                      TM-3728-  Painting, anonymous, seated dignitary woman with servant, in album 3728-484.  Watercolour on pith paper,  29.5 x 17 cm
                      489       1968, gift from Centrale Boekerij KIT Amsterdam (ILS, Library)  19th century
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                      TM-3728-  Painting, anonymous, set of 23 paintings with images of the silk production  Watercolour on pith paper,  25 x 24 cm
                      490 to 513  process, in album with 3728-484, 1968, gift from Centrale Boekerij KIT  19th century
                                Amsterdam (ILS, Library)
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                      TM-3728-  Painting, anonymous, set of 12 paintings with images of the different stadia  Watercolour on pith paper,  24.2 x 20 cm
                      514 to 525  transforming from egg to larva, cocoon and butterfly, in album 3728-484. 1968,  19th century
                                gift from Centrale Boekerij KIT Amsterdam (ILS, Library)
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