Page 268 - Made For Trade Chinese Export Paintings In Dutch Collections
P. 268
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96 pag:Opmaak 1
roos boek 193-288 d
Leiden - Museum Volkenkunde / Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen
Object# Name object, maker, description and acquisition Material and date Size
RV-360-376 Album, anonymous, with 14 images of animals and mythical creatures in Watercolour on paper, 34 x 32 cm
cartouches. 1883, Collection Royer, conveyance Royal Cabinet of Rarities 1773-1776 (album)
29.9 x 29 cm
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RV-360- Album, anonymous, 10 albums with each 32 images of Chinese people Watercolour on paper, 27 x 28.5 cm
377a to 377j practicing various professions; in total 320 images. 1883, Collection Royer, 1773-1776 (painting)
conveyance Royal Cabinet of Rarities
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RV-360- Album, anonymous, 12 albums with each 24 images; in total 288 images with Watercolour on paper, 34 x 37 cm
378a to 378l professions, street peddlers and portrayals of the aboriginal people of the 1773-1776 (album)
southern Chinese provinces Guangdong, Guizhou, Guangxi and Hainan, 29.9 x 34.2 cm
combined with images of historical figures from the historical novel Romance of (painting)
the Three Kingdoms, mythological figures, Taoist gods, arts and crafts
practitioners, street performers, beggars and sick people, bandit-like personages
from the book Water Margin of Chen Hongshou (1598-1652), and famous male
theatre personages from Tang, Song and Ming dynasties. 1883, Collection Royer,
conveyance Royal Cabinet of Rarities
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RV-360- Album, anonymous, 12 albums with each 24 images of fishes; in total 288 Watercolour on paper, 34 x 37 cm
379a to 379l images. 1883, Collection Royer, conveyance Royal Cabinet of Rarities 1773-1776 (album)
29.9 x 34.2 cm
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RV-360- Album, anonymous, 12 albums with each 24 images of birds; in total 288 images. Watercolour on paper, 34 x 37 cm
380a to 1883, Collection Royer, conveyance Royal Cabinet of Rarities 1773-1776 (album)
380l 29.9 x 34.2 cm
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RV-360- Album, anonymous, 12 albums with each 24 images of butterflies; in total 288 Watercolour on paper, 34 x 37 cm
381a to 381l images. 1883, Collectie Royer, overdracht Koninklijk Kabinet van Zeldzaamheden 1773-1776 (album)
29.9 x 34.2 cm
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RV-360- Album, anonymous, 12 albums with each 24 images of flowers and fruits; in total Watercolour on paper, 34 x 37 cm
382a to 382l 288 images. 1883, Collection Royer, conveyance Royal Cabinet of Rarities 1773-1776 (album)
29.9 x 34.2 cm
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RV-360- Album, anonymous, 12 albums with each 100 images of rock, stones, grasses, Watercolour on paper, 34 x 37 cm
383a to 383l herbs, minerals, waters, reed, plants, flowers and fruits; in total 1200 images . 1773-1776 (album)
1883, Collection Royer, conveyance Royal Cabinet of Rarities 29.9 x 34.2 cm
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RV-360- Reverse glass painting, anonymous, 2 paintings on glass: Chinese woman with Oil on glass, framed with 13.5 x 10 cm
946 child on her lap and two persons embracing each other. 1883, conveyance Royal slide (broken)
Cabinet of Rarities
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RV-360-1113 Reverse glass painting, anonymous, set of 19 paintings with various subjects: the Oil on glass, wooden 52.5 x 81 cm
to 1131 emperor ploughing, a dragon boat race, the roadstead of Whampoa, view of the frame (not original),
Quay of Canton with western trading houses, from left to right: Denmark, Spain, 1785-1790
France, Sweden, England and Holland, a palace feast, kowtowing, terrace scene
near to the river and fruit tree, hunting scene, the emperor’s audience, kite-
flying beside the river, All Souls (or All Hallows), the rice harvest, from clay to
pot, bride and groom, at the tea plantation, a summer garden scene, the silk-
spinning workshop, and domestic bliss. 1883, conveyance Royal Cabinet of
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RV-360-1132 Painting, anonymous, a mandarin at his country estate. 1883, conveyance Royal Oil on canvas, gilded 81.5 x 119 cm
Cabinet of Rarities frame, 19th century
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RV-360-1133 Painting, anonymous, winter landscape in Tartary (from set of 3). 1883, Oil on canvas, 72 x 102 cm
conveyance Royal Cabinet of Rarities c. 1820s
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RV-360- Painting, anonymous, winter landscape in Tartary (from set of 3). 1883, Oil on canvas, 72 x 102 cm
1134 conveyance Royal Cabinet of Rarities c. 1820s
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RV-360-1135 Painting, anonymous, river scene. 1883, conveyance Royal Cabinet of Rarities Oil on canvas, 72 x 102 cm
c. 1820s
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RV-360- Painting, anonymous, in the palace garden, companion piece with RV-360-1139. Oil on canvas, 72 x 102 cm
1136 1883, conveyance Royal Cabinet of Rarities c. 1820s
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