Page 264 - Made For Trade Chinese Export Paintings In Dutch Collections
P. 264

96 pag:Opmaak 1
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                              Amsterdam - Rijksmuseum 18-10-2016  15:42  Pagina 71
                    Object#   Name object, maker, description and acquisition         Material and date   Size
                    AK-NM-    Painting, anonymous, 4 oval paintings with interior and river scenes. 1883,  Enamel on porcelain,  36 x 43,5 cm
                    6614 A to  Collection Royer, conveyance Royal Cabinet of Rarities  1770-1790, original gilded
                    6614-D                                                            frame
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                    AK-NM-    Painting, anonymous, 2 paintings on copperplate in low relief with images of a  Enamel on copper, original  38.3 x 49 cm
                    6618-A and  European party in a landscape, executed after a print of Pierre Filloeul. 1883,  wooden frame with black
                    6618-B    Collection Royer, conveyance Royal Cabinet of Rarities  lacquer and gilded
                                                                                      tendrils, 1770-1775
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                    AK-NM-    Painting, anonymous, set of 2 paintings on copperplate in low relief with with  Enamel on copper, original  44.5 x 53.5 cm
                    6619-A and  interior scenes of figures in paviljons with detailed architectural elements. 1883,  wooden frame with black
                    6619-B    Collection Royer, conveyance Royal Cabinet of Rarities  lacquer and gilded
                                                                                      tendrils, 1770-1775
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                    AK-NM-    Painting, anonymous, set of 4 paintings on copperplate in low relief with with  Enamel on copper, original  37 x 48.5 cm
                    6620-A to  interior scenes of figures in paviljons with detailed architectural elements. 1883,  wooden frame with black
                    6620-D    Collection Royer, conveyance Royal Cabinet of Rarities  lacquer and gilded
                                                                                      tendrils, 1770-1775
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                    AK-RAK-   Reverse glass painting, anonymous (Spoilum?), portrait of Catharina Cornelia  Oil on glass, wooden  63.5 x 49 cm
                    2007-6    Geertruida van Braam Houckgeest and her daughter Françoise, executed after an  gold-coloured frame,
                              engraving of Thomas Burke (1749-1815) after a painting of Angelika Kauffmann,  c. 1795
                              Lady Rushout and her daughter, Anne. 2007, gift of the King Baudouin
                              Foundation New York, since 2005 on long-term loan from KBF to Rijksmuseum
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                    AK-RAK-   Reverse glass painting, anonymous, set of 2 paintings landscape with figures,  Oil on glass, wooden  33.2 x 40.1 x 3.3
                    2003-6-A  representing a scene from the theatre play Aminta of Torquato Tasso, after a  gold-coloured frame,  cm
                    and 6-B   print of Louis Simon Lempereur after a painting of François Boucher. 2003,  1795
                              purchase of Kee Il Choi
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                    AK-RAK-   Reverse glass painting, anonymous (Spoilum?), portrait of Catharina Cornelia  Oil on glass, upper side is  50 x 39.5 x 4.5
                    2003-7    Geertruida van Braam Houckgeest. 2003, purchase of Kee Il Choi  mirror, 1795  cm
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                    BK-16726-A  Mirror glass painting, anonymous, set of 2 sconces with musicians on a terrace  Oil on mirror glass,  A: 81 × 51.3 × 9.5
                    and B     at the waterfront. 1883, Collection Royer, conveyance Royal Cabinet of Rarities;  original wooden gilded  cm
                              1952, conveyance of forerunner of Museum Volkenkunde    frame, decorated with  B: 81 x 51 x 7.5 cm
                                                                                      carved rocaille-motifs and
                                                                                      C-volutes, c.1755-c. 1770
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                    SK-C-1722  Painting, anonymous, view of Macau (from set of 3). 1883, Collection Royer,  Oil on paper, laid down on  52 x 76 cm
                              conveyance Royal Cabinet of Rarities; 2013, on loan from Museum Volkenkunde  canvas
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                    SK-C-1723  Painting, anonymous, view of the roadstead of Whampoa (from set of 3). 1883,  Black wooden frame with  52 x 76 cm
                              Collection Royer, conveyance Royal Cabinet of Rarities, 2013; on loan from  gilded inner edge, c. 1773,
                              Museum Volkenkunde                                      restoration 2012
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                    SK-C-1724  Painting, anonymous, view of the Quay of Canton (from set of 3), from left to  Oil on paper, laid down on  52 x 76 cm
                              right Denmark, France, Sweden, England and Holland. 1883, Collection Royer,  canvas, black wooden
                              conveyance Royal Cabinet of Rarities; 2013, on loan from Museum Volkenkunde  frame with gilded inner
                                                                                      edge, c. 1773, restoration
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                              Amsterdam - Tropenmuseum / Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen
                    Object#   Name object, maker, description and acquisition         Material and date   Size
                    TM-0-394  Painting, anonymous, view of Macau with Praya Grande and inner harbour. No  Oil on canvas, black  35 x 45.5 cm
                              information about the acquisition                       wooden frame with gold-  23.5 x 34 cm
                                                                                      coloured edges with  (inside frame)
                                                                                      flower (rosette) motifs, n.y.
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                    TM-A-7222  Painting, anonymous, view of the Praya Grande in Macau. 1921, gift from The  Oil on canvas, wooden  52 x 67 cm
                              Royal Zoological Society Natura Artis Magistra          frame, 1800-1825
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                    TM-A-7224  Painting, anonymous, the forts of Bocca Tigris, 1921, gift from The Royal  Oil on canvas, wooden  52.5 x 67 cm
                              Zoological Society Natura Artis Magistra                frame, 1800-1825
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                    TM-A-7525  Painting, anonymous, view of the Quay of Canton with trading houses, from left  Watercolour on silk,  100.8 x 303 cm
                              to right: Denmark, France, Sweden, England and Holland. 1921, gift from The  wooden frame, 1775-1780
                              Royal Zoological Society Natura Artis Magistra
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