Page 84 - Chiense jades Hong Kong Sothebys April 2017
P. 84


A YELLOW JADE FIGURE OF A                             清十七至十八世紀 黃玉銜芝瑞兔
QING DYNASTY, 17TH – 18TH                             黃玉質,局部沁斑,立體圓雕。兔臥式,前腿
CENTURY                                               前伸於顎下,後腿臥於腹下。回首,口銜靈
sensitively worked and depicted recumbent with
the head turned to its left and resting on its front  此兔玉質溫潤,雕琢細緻,寓意吉祥。造型豐
paws, the figure portrayed grasping in its mouth      滿,盈握於掌,愛不忍釋。
a gnarled leafy sprig issuing lingzhi blooms, the
warm yellow stone accentuated with russet
patches and veins
6.5 cm, 2½ in.

HK$ 600,000-800,000
US$ 77,500-104,000

82 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89