Page 87 - Chiense jades Hong Kong Sothebys April 2017
P. 87


A WHITE JADE ‘BOY AND BIRD’ CARVING                                宋 白玉戲鳥童子
worked in the form of a boy standing with a bird perched on his    頂挽三丫髻,身穿短衣、肥褲。左手握拳,右手抱鳥。雙
right arm, depicted standing with one leg in front of the other    腿交叉,似在行走。中間穿孔,以便佩帶。
and dressed in loose trousers cascading in folds, the charming
figure pierced through vertically for suspension, the white        此器玉質溫潤,造型袖珍,砣碾細緻,實為琳瓏妙品。
stone with icy inclusions
5 cm, 1⅞ in.                                                       一件比此器稍大(約5.9公分)金代戲鶻玉童子,現藏北
HK$ 120,000-180,000                                                青鶻。
US$ 15,500-23,300

See a similar jade figure of a boy with a bird suspected to be a
gyrfalcon, but of slightly larger size (5.9 cm) and dated to the
Jin dynasty, in the collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing,
exhibited in Bai shan, hei shui, haidongqing: jinian Jinzhongdu
jian du 860 zhounian tezhan/ White Mountains, Black Waters
and Gyrfalcon: Special Exhibition of the 860th Anniversary of
Beijing being the Capital of China, Beijing, 2013, p. 155 bottom.
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