Page 88 - Chiense jades Hong Kong Sothebys April 2017
P. 88


A WHITE JADE FIGURE OF A                            明 白玉銜蓮瑞獸
MING DYNASTY                                        來源:
finely modelled recumbent and resting on its        香港蘇富比2008年10月8日,編號2316
haunches with paws accentuated by sharp
talons, its head turned sharply over the shoulder,  展覽:
grasping a spray of lotus and acanthus leaves       馮陳善奇及楊春堂編,《玲瓏玉雕-玉人、
between its jaws, the facial features well defined  玉獸、玉飾》,香港大學美術博物館,香港,
with bulging eyes below a single horn at the        1996年,編號114
forehead between pointed ears and finely incised    《中國肖生玉雕》,香港藝術館,香港,
mane falling down the neck, with a knobbly spine    1996年,編號148
sweeping back to a curling bifurcated tail, the
stone of a soft pale grey colour mottled with
brown splashes
8.5 cm, 3⅜ in.


The Zhirouzhai Collection.
Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8th October 2008, lot


Sydney S.K. Fung and Yeung Chun-tong,
eds., Exquisite Jade Carving: Figures, Animals,
Ornaments, University Museum and Art Gallery,
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1996, cat.
no. 114.
Chinese Jade Animals, Hong Kong Museum of
Art, Hong Kong, 1996, cat. no. 148.

HK$ 500,000-700,000
US$ 64,500-90,500

86 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比
   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93