Page 86 - Chiense jades Hong Kong Sothebys April 2017
P. 86


A PALE CELADON AND RUSSET FIGURE OF                               明 青白玉巧作郯子扮鹿
MING DYNASTY                                                      來源:
skilfully worked to depict the legend of Zhou Tanzi disguised
as a deer, the figure rendered with the pale celadon areas of     青白玉質,帶皮。以白玉雕郯子,皮作鹿皮。郯子作臥
the stone and portrayed crawling on all fours beneath by a        狀,雙手前伸,目視前方,似在觀察。身披鹿皮,鹿皮雙
russet deer hide, the latter sensitively incised with striations  丫角後抿於背,線刻毛髮,神情逼真。
and whorls
6.5 cm, 2½ in.                                                    此器雕作細緻,栩栩如生,蘊含意義深遠,作者心思洋
Sotheby’s Paris, 14th June 2007, lot 110.                         詩曰:「親老思鹿乳、身穿褐毛衣。若不高聲語、山中帶
HK$ 200,000-300,000                                               時期孝子郯子,冒著生命危險,於山林扮鹿混入鹿群中擠
US$ 25,800-38,700                                                 取鹿乳,以治雙親眼疾。

The figure of Zhou Tanzi represents filial piety. This comes      《孝經》云:「孝乃天之經也,地之義也」。「孝」是儒
from the tale of a young boy who tried to obtain milk for his     家倫理思想的核心,也是最重要的元素之一。工匠雕琢此
ailing mother by disguising as a deer so that he could pass into  器,以作提醒。
the deer herd to gather milk.
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