Page 28 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 28

106                                                                 It is exceptionally rare to find carved Yaozhou wares in the form of
                                                                    vases, as opposed to the more typical conical bowls or dishes (also
A very rare large Yaozhou celadon carved pear-                      carved with similar floral decoration).
shaped vase
Northern Song Dynasty                                               A Yaozhou vase in the Palace Museum Collection, Beijing, illustrated in
                                                                    Ceramics Gallery of the Palace Museum, part 1, Beijing, 2008, p.194,
The slender vase raised on a splayed foot rising to a flared mouth  no.131, has similar handles, ribbed shoulders but is decorated with a
rim, applied on the neck with a pair of handles, decorated on the   lotus band. A pear-shaped vase with similarly carved peony sprays,
lower half of the body with a large band of peony blooms borne on   in a private Japanese collection, is illustrated by Basil Gray, Sung
leafy stems, covered overall with a pale olive-green glaze pooling  Porcelain and Stoneware, London, 1984, p.42, no.18. Compare the
attractively in the recesses.                                       peony sprays carved on a small Yaozhou celadon ewer, previously in
28.5cm high                                                         the Raymond A. Bidwell (1876-1954) collection and in the Springfield
                                                                    Museums, Springfield Massachusetts, accessioned 1962, sold at
HK$200,000 - 300,000                                                Christie’s New York, 21-22 March 2013, lot 1170.
US$26,000 - 39,000
北宋 耀州窯青釉刻牡丹花雙耳瓶






                                                                    都極為類似,見《故宮陶瓷館.上編》,北京,2008 年,頁194,圖
                                                                    版131。另見一件日本私人收藏之耀州窯雙耳瓶,著錄於Basil Gray,
                                                                    《Sung Porcelain and Stoneware》,倫敦,1984年,頁42,圖18。


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