Page 30 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 30

107                                                                 敞口,呈五花瓣式,矮圈足。通體施醬黃色釉,釉層較薄,形式優
A small Yaozhou celadon ‘flower-head’ five-lobed                    雅。
foliate conical bowl
Five Dynasties                                                      參見奉文堂收藏中另一件耀州窯花式盌,拍品編號108。
Crisply and delicately potted as a flower head within five petals,
covered overall with a pale olive-green glaze.
12cm wide

HK$150,000 - 250,000
US$19,000 - 32,000

五代 耀州窯花式盌

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