Page 31 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 31

108                                                                     Several related examples have been sold at auction including: a pair of
A rare Yaozhou celadon five-lobed foliate                               similar bowls, dated to the Five Dynasties, sold at Sotheby’s London,
shallow dish                                                            11 May 2011, lot 1; a Five Dynasties dated flower-shaped bowl with a
Five Dynasties                                                          bird applied at the centre, sold at Christie’s New York, 26 March 2010,
Of conical form with wide flaring sides delicately potted as petals,    lot 1330; and a bowl dated Early Northern Song, illustrated in Song
rising from a short narrow foot, covered overall in a pale olive-green  Ceramics from the Kwan Collection, Hong Kong, 1994, pp.174-175,
glaze.                                                                  no.69, sold at Sotheby’s London, 12th November 2003, lot 42.
15cm wide
HK$200,000 - 300,000
US$26,000 - 39,000                                                      胎,形式優雅。

五代 耀州窯花式盌                                                               銅川市耀州窯博物館藏一件同類型的六瓣口杯,見李國楨,《中國陶

A related bowl in the collection of Sui Ling Koo is illustrated by      瓷全集10:耀州窯》,京都,1985年,圖3。另一對器形與本拍品相
Rose Kerr, Song Through 21st Century Eyes: Yaozhou and Qingbai          類的耀州窯花式盌,但 其孤壁更大的例子,可見於倫敦蘇富比,2011
Ceramics, The Netherlands, 2009, pp.16-17, no.1-1; and another          年5月11日,拍品編號1。紐約佳士得曾售出一件五代耀州窯花式盌可
similar foliate bowl from the Tongchuan Municipal Museum of Yaozhou     作比較,2010年3月26日,編號 1330;另見關氏舊藏一件北宋早期耀
Wares, is illustrated by Li Guozhen, Zhongguo taoci quanji 10, Kyoto,   州花式盌,著錄於《關氏所藏宋代陶瓷》,香港,1994年,頁174-
1985, no.3.                                                             175,圖69。後於倫敦蘇富比售 出,2003年11月12日,編號42。

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