Page 32 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
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109                                                                       A Yaozhou bowl with similar carved decoration, in the Palace Museum,
A fine Yaozhou celadon carved dish                                        Beijing, is illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the
Northern Song Dynasty                                                     Palace Museum: Porcelain of the Song Dynasty I, Hong Kong, 1996,
Potted with wide flaring sides rising from a short foot, well carved      p.133, no.119.
on the interior with crisp leafy floral stems, covered overall in a pale
olive-green glaze pooling attractively around the recesses.               盤敞口外撇,折腹,小圈足。盤內心刻纏枝牡丹花,刻工刀鋒犀利,
22cm diam.                                                                深淺有致。牡丹花繁而不亂,花冠豐滿,花枝纏繞,俯仰結合。瓶通
HK$150,000 - 200,000
US$19,000 - 26,000                                                        北京故宮博物院藏一件宋代耀州窯刻花大碗可作比較,見李輝柄編,
北宋 耀州窯刻纏枝花卉紋盤                                                             頁133,圖版119。

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