Page 34 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 34

Two views

110                                                                     Bowls of slightly smaller size and with peony floral designs are
                                                                        published in Mayuyama, Seventy Years, Vol.I, Tokyo, 1976, no.346 and
A fine Yaozhou celadon ‘peony’ carved bowl                              348; and another similar-sized bowl from the Palace Museum, Beijing,
Northern Song Dynasty                                                   in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum:
                                                                        Porcelain of the Song Dynasty I, Hong Kong, 1996, p.133, no.119.
Finely and crisply potted with broad flaring sides raised on a narrow   A bowl with similarly carved peonies but with intertwined stems,
foot, the interior decorated with an elaborate and crisp large peony    formerly in the John S.Nowell Collection and the Meiyintang Collection,
blossom issuing from a leafy stem amid curling leaves, all enclosed     is illustrated by R.Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang
within an incised circle leaving the border below the mouth rim plain,  Collection, Vol.I, London, 1994, no.431. A much larger bowl (30.5cm
covered overall with a dark olive-green glaze.                          diam.) with three entwined similar peony sprays was sold in our
21cm diam.                                                              London rooms, 16 May 2013, lot 6.

HK$200,000 - 300,000                                                    盌敝口,斜壁,矮圈足。通體施青釉,近醬黃色,內壁近口沿處留
US$26,000 - 39,000
北宋 耀州窯刻花大盌

                                                                        Seventy Years》,第1冊,東京,1976年,圖版346-348。另一件相

                                                                        一件尺寸稍大但裝飾主題類似的耀州窯刻牡丹花 盌,見R.Krahl,
                                                                        《Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection》,卷1,倫敦,

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