Page 34 - Bonhams Los Angelis December 14, 2022
P. 34
A CLOISONNÉ-INSET GRAY JADE ‘DOUBLE GOURD’ The present wall vase with its implied wishes for good fortune and
WALL VASE long life through the double gourd iconography, and the richness
Late Qing dynasty of its designs and materials, was likely produced as a birthday gift.
The translucent ash-gray stone with celadon undertones, carved The inscription on the cloisonné roundels reading Jiangshan may
as a double gourd with two generously proportioned bulbs rising refer to the city of Jiangshan in the southwest of Zhejiang province,
to a flared mouth, the principal side incised all over with a diaper which could have been the place of manufacture, or the home of the
pattern enclosing ‘shou’ characters, each bulb centered with an inset recipient, of this piece. Alternately, it may refer more abstractly to the
cloisonné medallion inscribed with ‘Jiang’ and ‘Shan’, respectively, ‘rivers and mountains’ (in other words, the vast domain of the empire),
amidst polychrome leaves and a blue ground, the reverse inset with and express a wish for the prosperity and endurance of the Qing
two gilt-metal roundels cast with floral scroll, the upper roundel with a dynasty.
T-shaped recession for suspension, the surrounding stone incised with
cloud scrolls, all set over an affixed gilt-metal stand cast with ruyi feet
and embellished with champlevé enamels.
8 3/4in (22.2cm) high, overall
$6,000 - 8,000
Sara Fredericks (1903-1986), likely acquired in the 1960s in New York,
thence by descent.