Page 214 - Important Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, Hong Kong
P. 214


     A XING SANCAI MOULDED ‘PHOENIX’ RUYI-                                              唐  邢窯三彩印珍珠地雙鸞啣綬紋粉盒

     SHAPED COSMETIC BOX AND COVER                                                      來源
                                                                                        日本私人珍藏,入藏於 1990 年代
     TANG DYNASTY (618-907)
     The cover is finely moulded with a pair of phoenix flanking a                      三個支釘痕,誠為造工精巧的上乘之作。同類例子有施白釉的粉盒,紋
     be-ribboned tassel picked out in amber, against a green-glazed                     飾與造型與本拍品相同,惟三彩例子極為稀有。可參考兩件白釉粉盒,
     fish-roe ground. The box and cover are glazed all-over. There are                  一件藏西安市文物保護考古所(圖一),著錄於《中國邢窯》,北京,
     three spur marks on both the underside of the cover and interior of                2012 年,342 頁,圖 15;另一件藏陝西省考古研究所,著錄於《中國出
     the box.                                                                           土瓷器全集》,北京,2008 年,圖版 52 號。
     4 √ in. (12.4 cm.) wide, box

     HK$200,000-300,000  US$26,000-39,000


     A Japanese private collection, acquired in the 1990s

     A number of white-glazed boxes of identical shape and design dating
     to the Tang dynasty are known, however sancai boxes of this type are
     extremely rare. The current box displays exceptional quality as can be
     seen in the precise control of different glaze colours as well as the crisp
     moulding on the cover.

     Published examples of white-glazed boxes bearing this design include
     one in the Xi’an Institute of Cultural Relics Preservation, illustrated in Xing
     Kiln of China, Beijing, 2012, p. 342, fig. 15 (fig. 1); and one in the collection
     of Shaanxi Institute of Archaeology, illustrated in Complete Collection of
     Ceramic Art Unearthed in China, vol. 15, Beijing, 2008, pls. 52.

                                                                                        fig. 1 Collection of the Xi’an Institute of Cultural Relics Preservation
                                                                                                                  圖一 西安市文物保護考古所藏品

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