Page 122 - Saturday Sale Asian Art March 18 2017 Sotheby's NYC
P. 122


                                                                                                A CARVED BAMBOO WRISTREST
                                                                                                QING DYNASTY

                                                                                                inscribed with a poetic verse in running script
                                                                                                above seven crabs, stained dark brown on the top
                                                                                                and sides, the underside lacquered golden-tan
                                                                                                Length 9⅛ in., 23.3 cm

                                                                                                $ 2,000-3,000



                                       1273                                           1274      AN INKSTONE WITH ‘ZITAN’ BOX
                                                                                                AND COVER
                 1275                        1273                                               QING DYNASTY, 19TH CENTURY
                                             A SMALL CARVED BAMBOO VASE                         the shallow cover with a single panel top, gently
                                             QING DYNASTY, 18TH / 19TH                          curving to a beaded edge and straight sides, the
                                             CENTURY                                            conforming box enclosing a dark gray inkstone
                                                                                                of trapezoidal shape, all supported on four low
                                             in the form of a hollowed section of a pine tree,  bracket feet (3)
                                             the tree’s bark, knots, gnarled branches, and      Length 5⅞ in., 15 cm
                                             needles carefully rendered
                                             Height 3⅜ in., 8.7 cm                              PROVENANCE

                                             $ 2,000-3,000                                      New York, Private Collection.
                                                                                                M.D. Flacks, Ltd., London.
                                                                                                $ 3,000-5,000


                                             1274                                               1277

                                             A BAMBOO SEAL BOX, BY FENG                         TWO CARVED BAMBOO CUPS
                                             LIYUAN                                             QING DYNASTY, 19TH CENTURY
                                             DATED 1954
                                                                                                the rst of a U-form section with an arched
                                             of rectangular section, the top carved with        handle issued from confronting dragon masks,
                                             bamboo and inscriptions, in the lower right a      with relief carved archaistic motifs and an
                                             carved seal reading Mu[tang] wu shi er (‘Mutang    inscription to the concave side exterior, the
                                             [at age] 52’), on the left the artist’s signature  second in the form of a double-lozenge with a
                                             Mutang, followed by a seal Liyuan                  bowed chilong-mask handle in each notched
                                             Length 2⅞ in., 7.3 cm                              corner, each main facet relief carved with a gure
                                                                                                in a landscape (2)
                                             Mutang was the sobriquet of Feng Liyuan (1902-     Width of wider 3¼ in., 8.3 cm
                                             1970), a modern Suzhou epigraphist best known
                                             for his bamboo carving. A carved bamboo seal       $ 1,500-2,000
                                             positioner by Feng Liyuan with the same date
                                             and seals sold at Christie’s New York, 17th March  㶭⋩ḅᶾ䲨ġġġ
                                             2016, lot 1120.                                    䪡晽㺩㧝侽嬨⚾䙫⍲䪡晽ầ⎌䲳䙫

                                             $ 1,500-2,000                                      ầ⎌䲳䙫⫿烉

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