Page 78 - 2018 Hong Kong Important Chieese Art
P. 78

fig. 1
                                                Famille-rose turquoise-ground ‘lotus’ vase with ruyi handles,
                                                seal mark and period of Qianlong
                                                © Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei
                                                清乾隆  粉彩綠地勾蓮紋如意耳瓶 《大清乾隆年製》款 
                                                © 台北國立故宮博物院藏品

           from the Qing Court] records that on the 10th day of the   of Western origin, in its shape and decoration the vase is a
           first lunar month, in the 13th year of Qianlong’s reign (1748),   Chinese masterpiece. Although we can only speculate on the
           the Aide and the Chief Commissioner of the Seventh Grade,   reasons for its production, nevertheless, the use of the colour
           Samuha, reported that the Eunuch Hu Shijie delivered a pair   blue combined with the painting of the lotus scrollwork as
           of blue-ground yangcai vases painted with gilt floral design.   the primary decoration, along with the employment of ruyi-
           These vases were made to be placed in one of the Buddha   shaped handles and the wan symbol attached by red ribbons
           Halls (fotang) in the grounds of the Forbidden City. On the 19th   all convey an auspicious message. The ‘hidden’ meaning in the
           day of the 10th month of the same year another pair of blue-  decoration celebrates the emperor’s appreciation of qualities
           ground yangcai vases with gilt floral decoration and matching   of purity and integrity known in Chinese as qinglian, which
           wooden stands were handed to the Eunuch Hu Shijie, for   is a homophone for qinglian meaning ‘blue lotus’. The term
           submission to the emperor. Accounts for the 18th day of the   appears in the Dongguan Han ji [Han Records of the Eastern
           15th year of Qianlong’s reign (1750) record that the Treasurer   Lodge], compiled by a team of historiographers under the
           Da Zi reported that Eunuch Hu Shijie delivered a pair of blue-  guidance of Ban Gu (AD 32-92) in the Eastern Han dynasty
           ground yangcai vases with matching stands for presentation   (AD 25-220). In the ‘Biography of Zhou Ze (Zhou Ze zhuan)’
           to the emperor (fig. 3).  From these records it is evident   we read, ‘[Zhou Ye] paid his [deep] respect to the Minister
           that blue-ground yangcai vases were produced on imperial   of Ceremonies, [he was] resolute and daring, and on several
           order during a short period of only a few years, primarily   [occasions] he spoke bluntly. The court was delighted with
           between 1748-1750, and only three pairs of vases appear to   his honesty and integrity.’  The colour blue is also associated
           be recorded, all submitted by the Eunuch Hu Shijie. While we   with scholars and learning. The ‘Chapter on Learning (Quan
           know little about Hu Shijie, his name appears frequently in the   xue)’ in the Xunzi, attributed to the Confucian philosopher
           imperial records, suggesting that he was a trusted member of   Xun Kuang (c.310-c.235 BC, alt. c.314-c.217 BC), records the
           the emperor’s inner circle and played a key role in handing out   gentleman saying, ‘[The pigment] blue is obtained from the
           imperial decrees and supervising and delivering artefacts to   indigo plant, but it is bluer than the plant itself’. This phrase
           the emperor.                              advises that through the act of learning it is possible to elevate
                                                     oneself and become even better than the master.  Qianlong
           While the technique and palate for the present vase may be

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