Page 3 - The Economist USA
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            Contents                                                                                                The Economist April 25th 2020    3

                                                   The world this week                United States
                                                 5 A summary of political          17 Reopening America
                                                   and business news               18 Mercury rising
                                                                                   19 Biological weapons
                                                                                   20 The Hua-war
                                                 7 Public finances
                                                   After the disease, the debt     21 Catholic voters
                                                                                   22 Lexington Oil be back
                                                 8 Regimes under covid-19
                                                   Power grabs
                                                                                      The Americas
                                                 9 Carmakers in trouble
                                                   Pimp the ride                   23 The Peronist and the
                                                 9 Migrants and the virus
                                                   Essential workers              24 Bolivia’s fine wines

           On the cover                         10 Climate change                 26 Bello Cuba on the edge
                                                   An Earth Day in the life
           Governments will owe vast               of a plague
           amounts after the crisis. Here’s
           how to deal with it: leader,            Letters                            Asia
           page 7. The pandemic will leave                                         27 Countries that have
           the world deep in debt. It may       13 On wet markets,                    almost beaten covid-19
           look for a novel way out:               Thailand, abortion,
           briefing, page 14                        covid-19, house names,          28 Sri Lanka’s home-brewers
                                                   management                      30 India’s costly lockdown
           • A pandemic of power grabs
           Autocrats and would-be                  Briefing                         30 Covid-19 in Central Asia
           autocrats see opportunity in         14 Covid-19 and public             32 Banyan Whaling in Japan
           disaster: leader, page 8.               finances
           Strongmen are using the                 Undercut                           China
           pandemic as an excuse to seize                                          33 Arrests in Hong Kong
           more power, page 49. Democrats
           are detained in Hong Kong as a                                          34 Chopstick reform
           hole is carved in the Basic Law,                                        35 Chaguan Debating a
           page 33                                                                    child’s suffering
           • What next for the car
           industry? The pandemic will
           make it smaller and less
           profitable—but it will still need                                           Middle East & Africa
           investments for the future:                                             37 The Gulf’s covid
           leader, page 9 and analysis,                                               incubators
           page 60                                                                 38 Bibi wins again in Israel

           • How to scale up testing                                               39 Food problems in Africa
           To end their lockdowns safely,                                         40 A Nigerian reformer dies
           countries will have to build and        By invitation The novel
           deploy testing at an                    coronavirus will hasten
           unprecedented scale, page 70            three big medical                  Europe
                                                   breakthroughs. That is
                                                   just a start, says Bill         41 Germany’s response
                                                   Gates, page 73                 42 Parisian jogging etiquette
                                                                                  42 Turkey’s refugees

                                                                                   43 NATO in Europe
               We are working hard to                                             44 Charlemagne Privacy,
             ensure that there is no dis-                                             the EU and the virus
             ruption to print copies of
             The Economist as a result of
             the coronavirus. But if you
             have digital access as part of
             your subscription, then acti-
             vating it will ensure that you
             can always read the digital
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                                                                                                                    1  Contents continues overleaf
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