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        6  The world this week Business                                                                               The Economist April 25th 2020

                                              Alibaba, China’s biggest           India, giving it a stake of 10%.   £500m ($620m), Sir Richard
             West Texas Intermediate          e-commerce company, said it        Over the past five years, 560m      Branson offered to put his
             Crude oil, May futures price, 2020
             $ per barrel                     would invest 200bn yuan            people in India have gained        private island in the Caribbean
                                        60    ($28bn) in cloud computing         access to the internet. Face-      up as collateral in order to
                                        40    over the next three years.         book wants to tap that poten-      secure the funds. His Virgin
                                        20    Alibaba faces fierce competi-       tial, noting the opportunity for   Group retains a 51% stake in the
                                        0     tion over cloud services in its    connecting Jio’s small-busi-       airline. Meanwhile, Virgin
                                       -20    home market, and is eager to       ness service with WhatsApp so      Australia fell into administra-
                                       -40    challenge Amazon and Micro-        that shoppers can have “a          tion after failing to obtain a
                                              soft in international markets.     seamless mobile experience”.       bail-out in Canberra.
               Jan    Feb   Mar   Apr
             Source: Datastream from Refinitiv
                                              Cyril Ramaphosa, South Afri-       Revenue at Huawei rose by          Netflix signed up another
           Oil prices tanked amid fore-       ca’s president, announced a        1.4% in the first quarter com-      15.8m subscribers in the first
           casts that demand will tumble      huge stimulus package worth        pared with the same three          quarter, twice as many as it had
           this year. Brent crude dropped     500bn rand ($26bn) to shore up     months last year, to 182bn yuan    forecast, as people confined to
           below $16.50 a barrel, a two-      the economy, which was al-         ($25.7bn). That was fairly         their homes binged on its
           decade low. May contracts for      ready struggling before            impressive given the trade war     programming. Netflix now has
           West Texas Intermediate, the       covid-19, and fell into reces-     and the outbreak of covid-19 in    183m users worldwide. Its share
           benchmark for American oil,        sion late last year. Millions of   China, the telecoms-equip-         price is trading at record highs.
           fell into negative territory for   people rely on informal work       ment maker’s base country,         One potential hitch is that its
           the first time, plunging at one     to make ends meet, which has       though it was far below the        production pipeline, the
           point to -$40 a barrel, meaning    been made harder by a strict       39% growth it chalked up a year    source of recent hits such as
           traders in effect paid for some-    lockdown enforced by the           earlier. The pandemic has          “Tiger King”, has ground to a
           one else to hold the commod-       army. The government has           delayed the roll-out of 5g         halt because of the lockdowns.
           ity. Concern that storage facil-   turned to the imf and other        networks in many countries, a
           ities at a key delivery point      global institutions for emer-      key and controversial element
           were full, just as the contracts   gency health-care funding.         of Huawei’s business. The          Coke isn’t it
           were due to be settled, added to                                      company, which is privately        Coca-Cola said that despite a
           the panic. Prices surged later in  Legislation to provide more        held, did not state a net profit.   solid start to the year, revenue
           the week after Donald Trump        than $300bn in additional aid                                         fell in the latest quarter, when
           stoked tensions with Iran.         to small businesses wound its      United Airlines raised $1bn in     lockdowns came into force. For
                                              way through Congress. The          a sale of new shares, a week       this month, its sales of soft
           Baker Hughes, one of the           money earmarked for firms to        after securing from the govern-    drinks have tumbled by 25%, as
           world’s biggest providers of       retain workers in the recent       ment a direct grant worth          restaurants and small stores
           oilfield services, recorded a       $2trn stimulus act has already     $3.5bn and a low-interest loan     shut. By contrast Procter &
           $10bn quarterly loss, in part      run out amid huge demand.          of $1.5bn in a rescue deal.        Gamble reported a bumper
           because it has had to write                                                                              quarter, boosted by shoppers
           down the value of its assets.      Facebook invested $5.7bn in        After the British Treasury         stockpiling toilet roll, cleaning
                                              Jio Platforms, a telecoms and      reportedly asked Virgin Atlan-     products and washing powder.
                                              tech firm that is part of the       tic to re-submit its request for   However, sales from grooming
           Puff goes the dragon               Reliance Industries empire in      a bail-out, said to be worth       gear were down a snip.
           China’s gdp shrank by 6.8% in
           the first quarter, year on year,
           the first contraction in de-
           cades. The economy is expect-
           ed to pick up later this year,
           though not enough to meet the
           government’s ambitions.
           China’s untrammelled growth
           since the end of the Mao era
           has boosted countless global
           industries. Many hope that the
           quarter’s decline is just a
           pause, not an end, to the boom.

           The news about the Chinese
           economy did not stop bhp and
           Rio Tinto, the world’s two
           biggest mining companies,
           from giving upbeat assess-
           ments about their business in
           China. bhp noted that most
           industrial activity had restart-
           ed there and that if a second
           wave of infections was avoid-
           ed, steel production could rise
           this year.
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