Page 4 - The Economist USA
P. 4
4 Contents The Economist April 25th 2020
Britain Finance & economics
45 The BBC’s future 65 Hedge funds in the crisis
47 Goverment exposed 66 Risk parity unravels
48 Bagehot Back to abnormal 67 Oil: less than zero
67 China’s anti-bitcoin
68 Buttonwood The euro’s
69 Free exchange Does
moral hazard matter?
49 Pandemic and power
Science & technology
70 How to scale up testing
72 Covid-19 and Spanish flu
73 By invitation Bill Gates
Climate brief
52 The history and politics
of climate action
Books & arts
74 The solace of Tolstoy
75 Putin’s power
76 Coffee and capitalism
76 A haunting Dutch novel
Business 77 Home Entertainment
“The Shining” at 40
55 Innovating in a pandemic
77 Watercolour painting
56 Facebook’s Jio strategy
78 Perspectives Cities and
57 TV-serial numbers
57 Microsoft opens up
58 Bartleby Waxes poetic Economic & financial indicators
59 Schumpeter The Netflix 80 Statistics on 42 economies
Graphic detail
81 America’s South is unusually vulnerable to covid-19
60 The crisis in carmaking
62 Better Li-ion batteries Obituary
82 John Conway, a curious mathematician
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