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8 Leaders The Economist April 25th 2020
Government under covid-19
A pandemic of power grabs
Autocrats and would-be autocrats see opportunity in disaster
ll theworld’s attention isoncovid-19.Perhapsitwasacoin- ly distributed. In Togo you need a voter id, which opposition
Acidence that China chose this moment to tighten its control supporters who boycotted a recent election tend to lack. Minor-
around disputed reefs in the South China Sea, arrest the most ities can be scapegoated. India’s ruling party is firing up Hindu
prominent democrats in Hong Kong and tear a hole in Hong support by portraying Muslims as covid-19 vectors.
Kong’s Basic Law (see China section). But perhaps not. Rulers Fighting the virus requires finding out who is infected, trac-
everywhere have realised that now is the perfect time to do out- ing their contacts and quarantining them. That means more in-
rageous things, safe in the knowledge that the rest of the world vasions of privacy than people would accept in normal times.
will barely notice. Many are taking advantage of the pandemic to Democracies with proper safeguards, like South Korea or Nor-
grab more power for themselves (see International section). way, will probably not abuse this power much. Regimes like Chi-
China’s actions in Hong Kong are especially troubling. Since na’s and Russia’s are eagerly deploying high-tech kit to snoop on
Britain handed the territory back to China in 1997, Hong Kong has practically everyone, and they are not alone. Cambodia’s new
been governed under the formula of “one country, two systems”. emergency law places no limits on such surveillance.
By and large, its people enjoy the benefits of free speech, free as- False information about the disease can be dangerous. Many
sembly and the rule of law. Foreign firms have always felt safe regimes are using this truism as an excuse to ban “fake news”, by
there, which is why Hong Kong is such an important financial which they often mean honest criticism. Peddlers of “falsehood”
hub. But China’s ruling Communist Party has long yearned to in Zimbabwe now face 20 years in prison. The head of a covid-19
crush Hong Kong’s culture of protest. Article 22 of the Basic Law committee under Khalifa Haftar, a Libyan warlord, says: “We
(a kind of mini-constitution) bans Chinese government offices consider anyone who criticises to be a traitor.” Jordan, Oman, Ye-
from interfering in Hong Kong’s internal affairs. That was always men and the United Arab Emirates have banned print newspa-
understood to include its Liaison Office in Hong Kong. But on pers, claiming that they might transmit the virus.
April 17th the office, China’s main representative body in the ter- Judging by what has already been reported, power grabbers
ritory, said it was not bound by Article 22. This suggests that it on every continent are exploiting covid-19 to entrench them-
plans to step up its campaign to curtail Hong Kong’s freedoms. selves. But with journalists and human-rights activists unable to
Xi Jinping’s incremental power grab in Hong venture out, nobody knows whether the unre-
Kong is one of many. All around the world, auto- ported abuses are worse. How many dissidents
crats and would-be autocrats spy an unprece- have been jailed for “violating quarantine
dented opportunity. Covid-19 is an emergency rules”? Of the vast sums being mobilised to
like no other. Governments need extra tools to tackle the pandemic, how much has been stolen
cope with it. No fewer than 84 have enacted by strongmen and their flunkeys? A recent
emergency laws vesting extra powers in the ex- World Bank study found that big inflows of aid
ecutive. In some cases these powers are neces- to poor countries coincided with big outflows to
sary to fight the pandemic and will be relin- offshore havens with secretive shell companies
quished when it is over. But in many cases they are not, and and banks—and that was before autocrats started grabbing co-
won’t be. The places most at risk are those where democracy’s vid-related emergency powers. Better checks are needed.
roots are shallow and institutional checks are weak. “Right now it is health over liberty,” says Thailand’s autocratic
Take Hungary, where the prime minister, Viktor Orban, has prime minister, Prayuth Chan-ocha. Yet many of the liberty-con-
been eroding checks and balances for a decade. Under a new stricting actions taken by regimes like his are bad for public
coronavirus law, he can now rule by decree. He has become, in ef- health. Censorship blocks the flow of information, frustrating
fect, a dictator, and will remain so until parliament revokes his an evidence-based response to the virus. It also lets corruption
new powers. Since it is controlled by his party, that may not be thrive. Partisan enforcement of social distancing destroys the
for a while. Hungary is a member of the European Union, a club trust in government needed if people are to follow the rules.
of rich democracies, yet it is acting like Togo or Serbia, whose
leaders have just assumed similar powers on the same pretext. Cruel, but inept
Everywhere people are scared. Many wish to be led to safety. Where does this lead? Covid-19 will make people poorer, sicker
Wannabe strongmen are grabbing coercive tools they have al- and angrier. The coronavirus is impervious to propaganda and
ways craved—in order, they say, to protect public health. Large the secret police. Even as some leaders exploit the pandemic,
gatherings can be sources of infection; even the most liberal gov- their inability to deal with popular suffering will act against the
ernments are restricting them. Autocrats are delighted to have myth that they and their regimes are impregnable. In countries
such a respectable excuse for banning mass protests, which over where families are hungry, where baton-happy police enforce
the past year have rocked India, Russia and whole swathes of Af- lockdowns and where cronies’ pickings from the abuse of office
rica and Latin America. The pandemic gives a reason to postpone dwindle along with the economy, that may eventually cause
elections, as in Bolivia, or to press ahead with a vote while the op- some regimes to lose control. For the time being, though, the
position cannot campaign, as in Guinea. Lockdown rules can be traffic is in the other direction. Unscrupulous autocrats are ex-
selectively enforced. Azerbaijan’s president openly threatens to ploiting the pandemic to do what they always do: grab power at
use them to “isolate” the opposition. Relief cash can be selective- the expense of the people they govern. 7