Page 68 - Photoshop for Lightroom Users – Scott Kelby 2nd Edition
P. 68
Step Eight:
This brings up the Filename Template Editor (shown here). You’ll see that Filename is already chosen in the field up top. Click your cursor right after it
and type in “-PSedit,” but don’t click Done yet. From the Preset pop-up menu up top, choose Save Current Settings as New Preset (as shown here at
right) and save this setup, so you don’t have to build it again—you can choose this naming preset anytime you want. Now, click Done, and your images
edited in Photoshop will be named with their original filename + -PSedit (so a file named “Venice-57.jpg” in Lightroom and edited over in Photoshop will
come back to Lightroom named “Venice-57-PSedit.psd,” making it easy to identify at a glance). Okay, your preferences are set; let’s put them to work.