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Corporate Governance Policy

                                        Corporate Governance Policy

                     Muang  Thai  Life  Assurance  Public  Company  Limited  has  continuously  been  aware  of

               the  significance  of  Corporate  Governance.  We  believe  that  management  with  transparency,
               accountability and operations without corruption as well as having responsibility and giving fairness

               to every stakeholder will bring us the solid and sustainable business. To build credibility and to ensure
               all stakeholders, the Board of Directors has approved the Corporate Governance Policy as well as
               the  Code  of  Conduct  as  well  as  Sustainability  Development  Framework  and  Policy  to  be  strictly

               adhered with communication and monitoring by all directors, executives and employees, and the
               policy  is  annually  reviewed  by  the  Board  of  Directors.  Moreover,  the  Company  has  established
               compliance procedures to meet the international standard and strictly comply with laws as well as

               rules and regulations of the regulator. In this regard, the principles and practices of good corporate
               governance which the Company has always been adhering to comprising 5 sections as follows:

               1. Rights of Shareholders

                     The  Company  pays  great  attention  to  the  Shareholder’s  rights  by  focusing  on  freedom
               and  equality,  namely the  right  to  attend  the Shareholder’s  Meeting  and  the  right  to  give  proxy
               to other person to attend and vote in the Shareholder’s Meeting. The Company has always prepared

               and distributed performance report to the shareholders timely before each meeting in order for them
               to  obtain  accurate  and  complete  information  to  base  their  consideration  on  for  each  agenda.

               Some  of  the rights given to  the shareholders  are:  the  right  to  appoint  or  dismiss any  Directors;
               the right to vote in the appointment and on the fee of the independent auditor; the right to vote
               in any significant business matters; the right to receive dividend; the right to comment and make

               inquiry in the Shareholder’s Meeting; and the right to specify or amend the Articles of Association
               (AOA) and Memorandum of Association (MOA) of the Company; the right to consider on reducing

               or  increasing  capital;  and  the  right  to  approve  significant  transactions  which  have  impact  on
               the business direction, etc.

                     Furthermore,  the  Company  supports  all  stakeholders  to  attend  the  Shareholder  Meeting

               and  provide  opportunities  for  shareholders  to  attend  the  shareholders  meeting  electronically
               by sending an invitation letter with agendas and meeting materials in Thai and English languages to
               the Shareholders 14 days prior to the meeting date as stated by laws and the Company’s rules.

            Corporate Secretariat Office Division I Muang Thai Life Assurance Public Company Limited    6
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