Page 18 - 1.นโยบายการกำกับดูแลกิจการ
P. 18

Corporate Governance Policy

                     •  Employees: The Company provides the employees with a fair remuneration and welfare

                        policy, training opportunities, and secure workplace for both life and assets of employees.

                     •  Competitors: The Company shall comply with good competition framework without using
                        any corrupt practices to harm its competitors.

                     •  Government:  The  Company  is  committed  to  complying  with  business-related  laws
                        and regulations.

                     •  Community/Society  and  Environment:  When  performing  the  duties,  the  Company’s
                        employees must take into account the aspects of community/ society, environment in order
                        to align with the Company’s policy in continuously supporting CSR activities for educational,

                        religion, arts and cultural, social development, health promotion, as well as environmental

                     •  Non-infringement of intellectual property or copyright: The Company shall not perform
                        any act that infringes intellectual property or copyright of every stakeholder. The Company
                        shall formulate a utilization policy of information technology system. Any software used in
                        the  Company’s  information  technology  system  must  be  licensed  and  obtain  a  legal

                     •  Information  Security:  The  Company  has  placed  importance  on  information  security

                        by  complying  with  laws  and  business  ethics  which  prohibit  personal  information  of
                        the Company’s stakeholders to be disclosed or used for other benefits.

               4. Disclosure and Transparency

                     The Company upholds the disclosure policy and adheres to the disclosure guideline in order for

               the Shareholders and stakeholders to be sure of the transparent and auditable operation by disclosing
               significant,  transparent,  and  accurate  information  relating  to  the  Company,  both  financial
               and non-financial within due time through easily accessible means that are equivalent and reliable.

               For  instance,  the  disclosure  of  financial  statement  and  performance  report  of  each  quarter  on
      website; the disclosure of the Board’s responsibilities to the financial report
               together with the report from auditor, the disclosure of roles of the Board and its Subcommittee in

               annual  report;  as  well  as  the  disclosure  of  other  information  which  entirely  complies  with  laws,
               rules and regulations announced by the regulator.

            Corporate Secretariat Office Division I Muang Thai Life Assurance Public Company Limited    8
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