Page 19 - 1.นโยบายการกำกับดูแลกิจการ
P. 19

Corporate Governance Policy

               5. Responsibilities of the Board
                     The Board of Directors has authority, duties and responsibilities to carry out the Company’s

               business operation with morality and honesty by adhering to and complying with the Anti-corruption
               Policy  and  avoiding  any  conflicts  of  interest  in  order  to  maintain  the  Company’s  overall  benefit

               and not limited to any specific person or group of shareholders. The Board of Directors also has
               authority and duties to supervise the Company in developing an appropriate management policy and
               supervise the Company to have key policies such as compliance framework and compliance related

               policies as well as integration of sustainability development guidelines with business strategies by
               taking balance in terms of environmental aspect, social aspect and governance and economic aspect

               into  account.  Moreover,  the  Board  of  Directors  has  duties  and  responsibilities  in  governing  the
               Company to have proper management process to conduct enterprise risk management, to develop
               effective  internal  systems,  and  to  oversee  audit  system  to  comply  with  policies,  laws,  rules,

               regulations announced by the regulator. The Board of Directors is also required to  establish the
               Market Conduct Policy in order to ensure the Company's fair treatment of customers,  by mainly
               considering the customers’ benefits. Monitoring and assessment of product development, insurance

               and mutual fund sales offering processes, customer service, life insurance benefit payment and delay
               of life Insurance indemnification and fair management of complaints made by customers, include data
               privacy must be conducted at least once a year or as required by the laws.

            Corporate Secretariat Office Division I Muang Thai Life Assurance Public Company Limited    9
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