Page 36 - 2.จรรยาบรรณและจริยธรรมทางธุรกิจ
P. 36
Code of Conduct
1) The Company does not permit employees to use the Company’s facilities or resources
for political campaigning, fundraising, or for the purpose of one political party.
2) The Company prohibits all management and employees from directing or persuading
by any means, employees and subordinates to participate in any type of political activity.
3) Unless such support is permitted by law and advocates democracy in general.
A decision made by employees to participate in political matters by contributing their personal
time after normal working hours, or other personal funds and assets to a political campaign or activity
shall be deemed as the employee’s own discretion.
12. Reporting Breaches
The Company shall treat seriously on any breaches or compromises of this Code of Conduct
which may result in disciplinary action up to termination of employment. Therefore, any failure
or suspected lapse in compliance with the provisions of this Code of Conduct must be reported to
supervisor immediately in accordance with complaint Whistle Blowing Policy.
Human Resources Management Department is responsible for monitoring compliance with
this Code of Conduct, and maintaining a record of all actions related to or might be related to
the Code of Conduct violations.
13. Whistle-Blowing
The Company conducts business with integrity, transparency, morality and good corporate
governance principles. The Whistle-blowing Policy has been established to allow stakeholders
to report offenses or complaints with good faith through various channels. If the Company’s directors,
executives, employees, agents, brokers and staff are found to commit offenses, whether they
are corruption, violations against laws, rules, regulations, principles of business units, whistle-blowers
can inform such cases or make complaints through the specified channels. However, names of
whistle-blowers shall be kept confidential and they shall be protected both during the investigation
and after the process is completed.
Corporate Sustainability Integration Department I Muang Thai Life Assurance Public Company Limited 17