Page 35 - 2.จรรยาบรรณและจริยธรรมทางธุรกิจ
P. 35

Code of Conduct

                     The Company believes in promoting good governance and the fair and transparent business

               operations in accordance with the laws. It is also, therefore, strictly prohibited for employees in the
               performance of their official duties to give anything of value directly or indirectly to the government
               official,  politician,  organizations,  company  or  related  person  to  influence  their  actions  in  the

               Company’s favor.

                     Should there be any demand for receiving, or giving of bribes, must be reported to the working
               team assigned by the Company.

               10. Gifts and Benefits

                     The  Company’s  policy  on  gifts,  entertainment,  and  gratuities  is  designed  to  preserve
               and maintain the Company’s reputation as a leading company that acts with integrity and bases
               decisions  only  on  legitimate  business  considerations.  Other  than  as  described  below,  gifts  e.g.

               sponsorships welcoming service entertainment reward and change, or other gratuities shall not be
               received or solicited from people with whom we do business; as well as prohibition on payment of

               hospitality  expense  or  other  expenses,  doing  so  would  compromise  or  give  the  appearance  of
               compromising, our position on any business decision taken by, or on behalf of the Company.

                     In the event that an outsider offers gift or benefit which must be approved by a supervisor,
               but being under the circumstances where refusal is difficult, e.g. during meetings with customers,
               the  employees  may  accept  the  gift  or  benefit  under  the  conditions  that  they  must  follow  the

               procedures specified by the Company.

                     The acceptance or offer of gift or benefit to induce the recipient to enter into an arrangement
               that will result in a conflict of duties liable for customers is strictly prohibited.

               11. Political Contributions and Activities

                     The Company has the political neutrality policy that the Company will not provide any of its
               resources  including  but  not  limited  to  property,  money,  materials,  or  other  benefits  to  assist  or
               support, or for any other benefits to political parties, politicians, or politics-related persons as well as

               supporting political activities, whether directly or indirectly. However, the Company has respected
               the political rights of employees as good citizens under the constitution by stipulating guidelines for
               the employees to participate in politics as follows:

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