Page 34 - 2.จรรยาบรรณและจริยธรรมทางธุรกิจ
P. 34
Code of Conduct
• Management and limiting the usage of internal information to prevent the use of
information obtained from being directors, executives or employees in seeking personal
interests or doing businesses that compete with the Company, or providing inside
information to others for their own interests and having an effective internal information
maintenance system in order to prevent business units or personnel that are not authorized
to know or access the information under each other’s’ responsibility.
• Directors, executives and employees are required to strictly comply with the work systems
and conflict of interest preventive and management measures defined by the Company.
8. Internal Control and Risk Management
The Company aims to have good internal control system to effectively align with
risk management policy, regular assessment of adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control
system, and appropriate organizational structure, segregation of duties, and line of command.
These reasonably ensure that the Company can achieve the objectives, provide long-term benefit,
manage risks to be at an acceptable level, formulate reliable financial and performance reports in
compliance with law, rules, regulations, and protect any acts that may damage the Company’s
The Board of Directors and high-level executives are well aware of the importance of good
internal control in order to maintain the culture of having consciousness in risk management and
internal control of the Company’s operation, and being a good example by continuously and regularly
complying with the Company’s policies and procedures. The employees of the Company must
understand and give full participation in maintaining good internal control.
9. Bribes and Inducements
It is not acceptable to offer or receive any form of bribe and inducement, or direct anyone else
to do so on your behalf. Bribery in commerce is illegal and subject to criminal penalties.
The Company’s business competition strategy is conducted fairly and on the merits of the
Company’s products and services. Any personal payments or bribes offered to employees of the
Company by customers or counterparties and receipt of bribes or personal payments by employees,
as payments, or other benefits for the bribes of the Company’s business are strictly prohibited.
Corporate Sustainability Integration Department I Muang Thai Life Assurance Public Company Limited 15