Page 22 - 4. นโยบายต่อต้านการคอร์รัปชัน
P. 22

Anti-Corruption Policy

               1. Principles and reasons

                       Muang  Thai  Life  Assurance  Public  Company  Limited  is  aware  of  the  importance  of  business
               operation  and  management  which  need  to  be  conducted  based  on  an  integrity,  transparency,  and

               responsibilities to society and all stakeholders according to the good corporate governance.  Therefore, the
               Company has formulated this Anti-Corruption Policy with a purpose of prohibition on any kinds of corruption.
               Directors, executives, employees as well as a third party relating to the Company, either for benefits of the
               Company or oneself, family, friends, or acquaintances, must not commit corruption. The Company does not

               allow any kinds of corruption including the corruption in businesses  and responsible  work units, and all
               transactions in every country. At the same time, the Company has formulated procedures for anti-corruption
               in detail. In order to comply with this Policy, the Company shall review the procedures regularly to be suitable
               with the business operation and comply with the laws. In this regard, directors, executives, and employees
               are all required to comply with this Policy.

               2. Definition

                        2.1 Corruption means fraudulent action by giving, or promising to give bribes or requesting
               or accepting to receive either gifts, gratuities or services, cash or cash voucher, assets or any benefits
               as well as any actions that are deemed corruption to officers of government, officers of foreign
               government, officers of international organizations , organizations, institutes, or other persons who
               do business with the Company either directly or indirectly as for requiring them to use power illegally,
               convincing them to act, not to act or delay act unlawfully in order to acquire any benefits or maintain
               any benefits for oneself or others, unless the laws, the regulations, local culture or trade usage allow
               to do so.

                        2.2 Gifts, gratuities mean things or any benefits which have financial value, cash voucher for
               exchanging for goods or traditional services which are given as gratuities or change as influence for

               the Company to receive privileges for businesses which may link to bribery.

                        2.3 Bribes, inducements, change or hospitality mean cash, assets, reception for hospitality
               or any benefits which are given to act or omit to act as a payer requires as well as any actions deemed
               as  offering a  promise,  giving,  accepting, requesting  that  create  benefits  in  any  forms  which  are
               considered as convincing to act illegally or against duties and responsibilities.

                1  Organic Law on Anti-Corruption B.E. 2561, Section 176

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