Page 26 - 4. นโยบายต่อต้านการคอร์รัปชัน
P. 26

Anti-Corruption Policy

                        4.5  A person who commits corruption will be regarded as breaching the good corporate
                            governance of the Company and must receive disciplinary punishment according to the

                            Company’s rules.

               5. Guidelines and operational requirements

                        Anti-Corruption Measure is formulated to combat risks and corruption. Directors, executives
               and all employees must comply with Compliance Policy, Anti-Corruption Policy, No Gift Policy, Whistle-
               Blowing Policy, Conflict of Interest Prevention and Management Policy, relevant rules and operation
               manuals and other guidelines specified by the Company.

                        5.1  Gifts, gratuities, hospitality, reception and other expenses

                           •  Employees can provide gifts, gratuities, hospitality, reception and other expenses by tradition

                             or general practice of the society. Employees must perform the action with transparency
                             and comply with the Code of Conduct and the laws.
                           •  Employees must not request gifts, gratuities, hospitality, reception and other expenses
                             from normal duties, and must comply with No Gift Policy. In case employees cannot reject

                             gifts, gratuities, hospitality or reception, they must notify executives and keep a record
                             and collect information.

                        5.2  Charitable donations, Sponsorship

                            Employees  are  required  to  check  charitable  organizations,  foundations,  companies,  and
                        stores to which the Company will make donations and/or provide financial support. It must be
                        ensured  that  donations  and  support  will  not  be  used  as  pretext  for  bribery  and  must  act
                        transparently by specifying the name of donor and/or sponsor. It must be able to prove that such

                        activities bring real benefits to society and/or in accordance with the objectives of the operations
                        of the Company.

                        5.3  Facilitation payment

                                 The Company does not have a policy to make facilitation payment for its businesses in
                        form  of  assets  or  any  benefits  either  directly and  indirectly to  officers  of  government,
                        officers  of  foreign  government,  or  officers  of  international  organizations  because  the
                        facilitation payment is a high risk payment item that can be considered as illegal expense.

            Internal Audit Division I Muang Thai Life Assurance Public Company Limited               11
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