Page 25 - 4. นโยบายต่อต้านการคอร์รัปชัน
P. 25
Anti-Corruption Policy
• Assess corruption risk of the Company, oversee risk management and internal
control related to corruption adequately and appropriately as well as
• Establishing anti-corruption guidelines
• Communicate to the Company’s related persons to acknowledge that the Company
has the Anti-Corruption Policy and is a member of the Private Sector Collective
Action against Corruption
• Report urgently the operation, statistics of clues, and corruption-related issues to
the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors
3.5 Employees of the Company
• All employees must comply with the Anti-Corruption Policy and must not neglect or
ignore once seeing any acts which might breach the Anti-Corruption Policy. The
Company has formulated the Information or Complaint Handling Policy for employees
to inform any violations or complaints with good faith through multiple channels
specified by the Company. Names of sources are kept confidentially and protected
for safety during investigation and after completion. If employees have inquiries, they
can discuss with supervisors, executives, or designated persons responsible for
monitoring the compliance with the good corporate governance through any
channels specified by the Company.
4. Procedures
4.1 Directors, executives, all employees, including individuals and juristic persons who work
on behalf of or act on behalf of the Company must comply with the Anti-Corruption Policy
and must not get involved in corruption either directly or indirectly, including all
businesses and transactions in every country such as any kinds of giving/accepting bribes.
4.2 The Company is aware of the importance in publicizing, giving knowledge and
establishing understanding with other people or other agencies that are required to
comply with the Anti-Corruption Policy, including notifying of Whistle-Blowing Policy.
4.3 The Company intends to build and preserve the organization culture of zero tolerance
of corruption on making transactions with public and private sectors.
4.4 The Company shall uphold justice and protect personnel who refuse or inform
about corruption related to the Company by implementing protection measures
for sources or whistleblowers, witnesses and individuals who provide information
for investigations as specified by the Company.
Internal Audit Division I Muang Thai Life Assurance Public Company Limited 10
(Internal Use Only)