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P. 24

Sustainable Development Framework and Policy

               4. MTL’s Sustainable Development

                  4.1  ESG Mission Statement

                       The Company has been set the ESG Mission Statement, the detail is as follows:

                  4.2  Stakeholders

                      Realizing that each stakeholder group has a different relationship and impact on business
                  operations, the Company is determined to develop and upgrade its ability to meet the needs
                  or expectations of the stakeholders for the sustainability of business operations and continuous

                  growth of the organization as follows:


                      The Company is committed to achieve good performance to comply with the good
                  corporate governance as well as focusing on shareholders’ rights and treating them fairly.


                      The Company adheres to customer centricity by initiating product and service innovations
                  are developed to meet the needs and build opportunity for each customer group to access to
                  insurance  service  as  to  have  security  and  coverage  that  match  premium  rate  target  to

                  strengthen the sustainability based on MTL’s obligations towards the insureds. In addition, the
                  Company  prioritizes  providing  fair  customer  service  by taking  into  account  the  customers’

                  interests from presales process, sales offering process, until after-sales process for the highest
                  customer satisfaction. MTL is also aware of cybersecurity and personal data protection.

             Corporate Sustainability Integration Department I Muang Thai Life Assurance Public Company Limited   6
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